MM74HCT540MTCX ,Inverting Octal 3-STATE BufferElectrical CharacteristicsV = 5V ± 10% (unless otherwise specified)CC T = 25°CT = - 40 to 85°CT = - ..
MM74HCT540N ,Inverting Octal 3-STATE BufferFeaturesMM74HCT devices are intended to interface between TTLand NMOS components and standard CMOS ..
MM74HCT540N ,Inverting Octal 3-STATE BufferFeaturesMM74HCT devices are intended to interface between TTLand NMOS components and standard CMOS ..
MM74HCT540WM ,Inverting Octal 3-STATE BufferGeneral DescriptionMM74HCT541 is a non-inverting buffer. The 3-STATE con-The MM74HCT540 and MM74HCT ..
MM74HCT541MTCX ,Octal 3-STATE BufferElectrical CharacteristicsMM74HCT540: V = 5.0V, t = t = 6 ns, T = 25°C, (unless otherwise specified ..
MM74HCT541N ,Octal 3-STATE BufferElectrical CharacteristicsV = 5V ± 10% (unless otherwise specified)CC T = 25°CT = - 40 to 85°CT = - ..
MN89302 ,SVGA Display ControllerFeaturesMonochrome STN LCD panel supportBuilt-in graphics acceleration functionsMaximum display siz ..
MN89305 ,Microcomputers Application-Specific Standard-Product ICsFeatures•LCD display functionsColor TFT (1024 × 768, 800 × 600, and 640 × 480)Color DSTN/SSTN (800 ..
MN89306 ,Microcomputers Application-Specific Standard-Product ICsFeatures•LCD display functionsColor TFT (800 × 600 and 640 × 480)Color DSTN/SSTN (800 × 600 and 640 ..
MNA-4 ,Circuits - Monolithic Amplifiers High Directivity, 50Ω, 0.5 to 5.9 GHz
MNA-4 ,Circuits - Monolithic Amplifiers High Directivity, 50Ω, 0.5 to 5.9 GHz
MNA-6 ,Circuits - Monolithic Amplifiers High Directivity, 50Ω, 0.5 to 5.9 GHz
Inverting Octal 3-STATE Buffer
MM74HCT540 • MM74HCT541 Inverting Octal 3-STATE Buffer • Octal 3-STATE Buffer February 1984 Revised February 1999 MM74HCT540 • MM74HCT541 Inverting Octal 3-STATE Buffer • Octal 3-STATE Buffer The MM74HCT540 is an inverting buffer and the General Description MM74HCT541 is a non-inverting buffer. The 3-STATE con- The MM74HCT540 and MM74HCT541 3-STATE buffers trol gate operates as a two-input NOR such that if either G1 utilize advanced silicon-gate CMOS technology and are or G2 are HIGH, all eight outputs are in the high-imped- general purpose high speed inverting and non-inverting ance state. buffers. They possess high drive current outputs which In order to enhance PC board layout, the MM74HCT540 enable high speed operation even when driving large bus and MM74HCT541 offers a pinout having inputs and out- capacitances. These circuits achieve speeds comparable puts on opposite sides of the package. All inputs are pro- to low power Schottky devices, while retaining the low tected from damage due to static discharge by diodes to power consumption of CMOS. Both devices are TTL input V and ground. CC compatible and have a fanout of 15 LS-TTL equivalent inputs. Features MM74HCT devices are intended to interface between TTL and NMOS components and standard CMOS devices. � TTL input compatible These parts are also plug-in replacements for LS-TTL � Typical propagation delay: 12 ns devices and can be used to reduce power consumption in � 3-STATE outputs for connection to system buses existing designs. � Low quiescent current: 80 μA � Output current: 6 mA (min.) Ordering Code: Order Number Package Number Package Description MM74HCT540WM M20B 20-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDEC MS-013, 0.300” Wide MM74HCT540SJ M20D 20-Lead Small Outline Package (SOP), EIAJ TYPE II, 5.3mm Wide MM74HCT540MTC MTC20 20-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP), JEDEC MO-153, 4.4mm Wide MM74HCT540N N20A 20-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300” Wide MM74HCT541WM M20B 20-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDEC MS-013, 0.300” Wide MM74HCT541SJ M20D 20-Lead Small Outline Package (SOP), EIAJ TYPE II, 5.3mm Wide MM74HCT541MTC MTC20 20-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP), JEDEC MO-153, 4.4mm Wide MM74HCT541N N20A 20-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300” Wide Devices also available in Tape and Reel. Specify by appending the suffix letter “X” to the ordering code. Connection Diagrams Pin Assignments for DIP, SOIC, SOP and TSSOP Top View Top View MM74HCT540 MM74HCT541 © 1999 DS006040.prf