MM74HC253N ,Dual 4-Channel TRI-STATE MultiplexerMM54HC253/MM74HC253Dual4-ChannelTRI-STATEMultiplexerJanuary1988MM54HC253/MM74HC253Dual4-ChannelTRI- ..
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Dual 4-Channel TRI-STATE Multiplexer
January 1988
Dual 4-Channel TRI-STATEÉ Multiplexer
General Description
The MM54HC253/MM74HC253 utilizes advanced silicon-
gate CMOS technologyto achievethelow power consump-
tionand high noise immunityof standard CMOS integrated
circuits, along withthe capabilityto drive10 LS-TTL loads.
The large output driveand TRI-STATE featuresofthisde-
vice makeit ideally suitedfor interfacing withbus linesin
bus organized systems. Whenthe output control inputis
taken high,the multiplexer outputsare sentintoa highim-
pedance state.
Whenthe output controlis held low,the associated multi-
plexer choosesthe correct output channelforthe givenin-
put signals determinedbythe selectAandB inputs.
The 54HC/74HC logicfamilyis functionallyand pinout com-
patible withthe standard 54LS/74LS logic family.All inputs
are protected from damagedueto static dischargeby inter-
nal diode clampsto VCCand ground.
Features Typical propagation delay:24ns Wide power supply range: 2V–6V Low quiescent current:80mA maximum (74HC Series) Low input current:1mA maximum Fanoutof10 LS-TTL loads
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
OrderNumber MM54HC253orMM74HC253
Truth Table
Select Data Inputs Output OutputInputs Control A C0 C1 C2 C3 G Y X XXXX H Z L L XXX L L L H XXX L H H XLX X L L H XHX X L H L X XLX L L L X XHX L H H XXX L L L H XXX H L H
Select inputsAand Bare commontoboth sections.ehigh level,Le lowlevel,Xe irrelevant,Zehigh impedance(off).
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorp.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.