MM74C95N ,4-Bit Right-Shift Left-Shift RegisterApplicationslelloadingispossible,orwithexternalinterconnection,shift-Y YData terminals Alarm system ..
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4-Bit Right-Shift Left-Shift Register
February 1988
4-Bit Right-Shift Left-Shift Register
General Description
This 4-bit shift registerisa monolithic complementary MOS
(CMOS) integrated circuit composedof fourD flip-flops.
This registerwill perform right-shiftor left-shift operations
dependent uponthe logical input leveltothe mode control. numberof these registers maybe connectedin seriesto
forman N-bit right-shiftor left-shift register.
Whena logical‘‘0’’ levelis appliedtothe mode controlin-
put,the outputof each flip-flopis coupledtotheD inputof
the succeedingflip flop. Right-shift operationis performed clockingatthe clock1 input,and serial data enteredat
the serial input, clock2and parallel inputsA throughDare
inhibited. Witha logical‘‘1’’ level appliedtothe mode con-
trol, outputsto succeeding stagesare decoupledand paral-
lel loadingis possible,orwith externalinterconnection, shift-
left operationcanbe accomplishedby connectingtheout-
putof each flip-floptothe parallel inputofthe previous
flip-flopand serial datais enteredat inputD.
Features Medium speed operation 10 MHz (typ.)
VCCe 10V,CLe50pF High noise immunity 0.45 VCC (typ.) Low power 100 nW/(typ.) Tenth power TTL compatible Drive2 LTTL loads Wide supply voltage range 3Vto 15V Synchronous parallel load Parallel inputsand outputs from each flip-flop Negative edge triggered clocking The MM54C95/MM74C95 follows the MM54L95/
MM74L95 Pinout
Applications Data terminals Instrumentation Automotive Medical electronics Alarm systems Remote metering Industrial electronics Computers
Block and Connection Diagrams
Dual-In-Line Package
Order Number MM54C95or MM74C95
Mode Controle0 forRightShift
Mode Controle1 forLeftShift orParallel Load
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.