MM74C89N ,64-Bit 3-STATE Random Access Read/Write MemoryMM54C89/MM74C8964-BitTRI-STATERandomAccessRead/WriteMemoryMarch1988MM54C89/MM74C8964-BitTRI-STATEÉR ..
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64-Bit TRI-STATE Random Access Read/Write Memory
March 1988
MM54C89/MM74C89 64-Bit TRI-STATEÉ
Random Access Read/Write Memory
General Description
The MM54C89/MM74C89isa 16-wordby 4-bit randomac-
cess read/write memory. Inputstothe memory consistof
four address lines, four data input lines,a write enableline
anda memory enable line. The four binary address inputs
are decoded internallyto select eachofthe16 possible
word locations.An internal address register latchesthead-
dress informationonthe positiveto negative transitionof
the memory enable input. Thefour TRI-STATE data output
lines workingin conjunction withthe memory enable input
providefor easy memory expansion.
Address Operation: Address inputs mustbe stabletSApri-tothe positiveto negative transitionof memory enable.It thusnot necessaryto hold address information stablefor
more thantHA afterthe memoryis enabled (positiveto neg-
ative transitionof memory enable).
Note: Thetiming isdifferentthan theDM7489inthata positiveto negative
transitionofthe memory enable must occurforthe memorytobe
Write Operation: Information presentatthe data inputsis
writtenintothe memoryatthe selected addressby bringing
write enableand memory enable low.
Read Operation:The complementofthe information which
was writtenintothe memoryis non-destructively readoutat
the four outputs. Thisis accomplishedby selectingthede-
sired addressand bringing memory enablelow and write
enable high.
Whenthe deviceis writingor disabledthe output assumesa
TRI-STATE (Hi-z) condition.
Features Wide supply voltage range 3.0Vto 15V Guaranteed noise margin 1.0V High noise immunity 0.45 VCC (typ.) Low power fanoutof2
TTL compatibility driving74L Low power consumption 100 nW/package (typ.) Fast access time 130ns (typ.)at VCCe 10V TRI-STATE output
Logic and Connection Diagrams
Dual-In-Line Package
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.