MM74C195N ,4-Bit RegistersApplicationstruth table.Y YAutomotive Alarm systemsY YData terminals Remote meteringY YInstrumentat ..
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4-Bit Registers
February 1988
MM54C195/MM74C195 4-Bit Registers
General Description
The MM54C195/MM74C195 CMOS 4-bit registers feature
parallel inputs, parallel outputs,J-K serial inputs, shift/load
control inputanda direct overriding clear.The followingtwo
modesof operationare possible:
Parallel Load
Shiftin directionQA towardsQD
Parallel loadingis accomplishedby applyingthefourbitsof
dataand takingthe shift/load controlof input low.The data loadedintothe associated flip-flopsand appearsatthe
outputs afterthe positivetransition ofthe clockinput. During
parallel loading, serial data flowis inhibited.
Serial shiftingis accomplished synchronously whenthe
shift/load control inputis high. Serial dataforthis modeis
enteredattheJ-K inputs. These inputs allowthefirst stage performasa J-K,D,or T-typeflip flopas showninthe
truth table.
Features Medium speed operation 8.5 MHz (typ.) with 10V
supplyand50pF load High noise immunity 0.45 VCC (typ.) Low power 100nW (typ.) Tenth power TTL compatible Drive2 LPTTL loads Supply voltage range 3Vto 15V Synchronous parallel load Parallel inputsand outputs from each flip-flop Direct overriding clearJandK inputstofirst stage Complementary outputs fromlast stage Positive-edge triggered clocking Diode clamped inputsto protect against static charge
Applications Automotive Data terminals Instrumentation Medical electronics Alarm systems Remote metering Industrial electronics Computers
Schematic and Connection Diagrams
Pin16toVCC TL/F/5902–1
Dual-In-Line Package
Top View
Order Number MM54C195orMM74C195
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.