MM54C42J ,BCD-to-Decimal DecoderFeaturesY YInstrumentation Remote meteringYSupply voltage range 3V to 15VY YMedical electronics Com ..
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BCD-to-Decimal Decoder
March 1988
MM54C42/MM74C42 BCD-to-Decimal Decoder
General Description
The MM54C42/MM74C42 one-of-ten decoderisa mono-
lithic complementary MOS (CMOS) integrated circuit con-
structed withN- and P-channel enhancement transistors.
This decoder producesa logical ‘‘0’’atthe output corre-
spondingtoa fourbit binary input from zeroto nine,anda
logical‘‘1’’ atthe other outputs.For binaryinputs from tento
fifteenall outputsare logical ‘‘1’’.
Features Supply voltage range 3Vto15V Tenth power TTL drive2 LPTTL loads
compatible High noise immunity 0.45 VCC (typ.) Low power 50nW (typ.) Medium speed operation 10 MHz (typ.)
with10V VCC
Applications Automotive Y Alarm systems Data terminals Y Industrial electronics Instrumentation Y Remote metering Medical electronics Y Computers
Schematic Diagram
Truth Table
Inputs Outputs
DCBA0123456789 0 0 0 0111111111 0 0 1 1011111111 0 1 0 1101111111 0 1 1 1110111111 1 0 0 1111011111 1 0 1 1111101111 1 1 0 1111110111 1 1 1 1111111011 0 0 0 1111111101 0 0 1 1111111110 0 1 0 1111111111 0 1 1 1111111111 1 0 0 1111111111 1 0 1 1111111111 1 1 0 1111111111 1 1 1 1111111111
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.