MM5402N ,Digital Alarm ClocksBlock Diagram
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12m Mum o l l
50/50 "
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MM5402N ,Digital Alarm ClocksElectrical Characteristics TA withirroperatihg rantm,UDD = 7V to 11V, Vss = 0V, uniess otheryVise s ..
MM5402N ,Digital Alarm ClocksFeatures _
50 or 60 Hz operation
Single power supply
12 or 24 hour display format
AM/PM o ..
MM5450 ,LED Display Driver
MM5450N ,LED Display DriversApplicationseSocket 54 CWY TMCOPS or microprocessor displaysYIndustrial control indicatorYRelay d ..
MM5450V ,LED Display DriversMM5450MM5451LEDDisplayDriversFebruary1995MM5450MM5451LEDDisplayDriversGeneralDescription
MN187163 ,Microcomputers Application-Specific Standard-Product ICsPin Configurationvm——>Pso—.P51—-—>P52——>p53——.p54>p55>P55*P57P60P61P62P63920 ps4P15(IRQ1) P65P14
MN1876476 ,Microcomputers Application-Specific Standard-Product ICsMaintenance/DiscontinuedMaintenance/Discontinued includes following four Product lifecycle stage.pl ..
MN18801A ,Microcomputers Application-Specific Standard-Product ICsPin Descriptions8—Bit ’l—Chio MicrocomputersSymbolPin NameMN I880] A ofMN1880 Series' DescriptionVD ..
MN1959041 ,For Information稢ommunicationFeatures•General-purpose DSP core (MP: Main Processor) that can implement complex processing flexib ..
MN1A7T0200 ,MicrocomputerMN1A7T0200Type MN1A7T0200Max. 16 M in totalROM (× × × × ×8-bit / × × × × ×16-bit / × × × × ×32-bit) ..
Digital Alarm Clocks
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MM5402, MM5405 Digital Alarm Clocks
General Description
The MM5402, MM5405 digital alarm clocks are mono-
lithic MOS integrated circbits utilizing N-channel
low-threshold, enhancement mode and ion-implanted
depletion mode devices. They provide all the logic
required to build several types of clécks and timers
with up to four display modes (time, seconds, alarm
and sleep) to maximize circuit utility, but are specifi-
cally intended for clock-radio applications. Both devices
will directly-drive 7-segment LED displays in either a
12-hour format (3 1/2 digits) with lead-zero blanking,
AM/PM indication and flashing colon, or 24-hour
format (4 digits) through hard-wire pin selection; the
timekeeping function operates from either a 50 or
60 Hz input, also through pin selection. Outputs consist
of display drivers, sleep (e.g., timed radio turn-off), and
alarm enable. A power-fail indication mode is provided
to inform the user of incorrect time display by flashing
all "ON" digits at a 1 Hz rate, and is cancelled by
simply resetting'time. The device operates over a supply
range of 7V-1 1V which does not require regulation.
The MM5405 is electrically identical to the MM5402,
but with mirror-image pin-out to facilitate PC board
layout when designing a "module" where the LED
display and MOS chip are mounted on the same side;
the MM5402 is more suited for "L" shaped module
designs (vertical LED display, horizontal component
board). Both devices are supplied in a 40-Iead dual-in.
line package.
Digital tyihtks.
50 or 60 Hz operation
Single power supply
12 or 24 hour display format
AM/PM outputs
Leading-zero blanking f 12 hour format
24-hour alarm setting
All counters are resettable
Fast and slow set controls
Power failure indication
Elimination of illegal time display at turn "DN"
Direct interface to LED displays
9-minute snooze alarm q..
Piesettable 59-minute sleep timer
Available in standard (MM5402) or mirror-image
(MM5405) pin-out
I Alarm clocks I Portable clocks
I Desk clocks I Photography timers T
I Clock radios I Industrial timers
I Automobile clocks I Appliance timers
I Stopwatches I Sequentialcontrollers
Industrial clocks
Block Diagram
Bumlr um)
12/2: noun c " ©
some " 3515) snmnn _
- " on - "
mrur clncun r-ua-er " ' nu
5mm 0 35(5) f "to--- m w w;
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I "to - AM gm"
TIME I?” TIME I '" "ME l " -
comma comma comma coo:
mm) CON,
ALARM on 25115) , L OUTS" [ 3" m nus
zum Aumu _ "WE" ('izid)y man
snooze s an ALARM cowAanon (31-3)
21m; i n
sun out n
or unis
" it8-3H MtitT
noun MINUTES uauns
Join "-"
sun ms 0 , (r,'',;:?,)) m mus
ALARM MS "dy l (I045) 016 T
31 la) V
secouos ms r ==
SLOW SET o-"----
FAST ser o------
" (11)
Ilss o---
" (11)
V30 o-c----
Note. MM5405 pin connections shown in parenthesis.
15:71 5&1;th " . ,
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Voltage at Any Pin Vss to Vss +12)! Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds) SOOUC
Operating Temperature -2SoC to +70°C Segment/9utput Current . (Note ll
Storage Temperature -65°C to +1 50°C
Electrical Characteristics TA within operating rantyh,VDD = 7V to 11V, Vss = 0V, unless otheryVise specified.
mama, mmms ,,
Power Supply Voltage Output Driving Display 9 It V
Functional Clock T 7 11 V
Power Supply Current No Output Leads
VDD = 7V 4 mA
VDD = 11V 5 mA
- 50/60 Hz Input
Frequency VDD = 7V to 11V dc 50 or 60 10k He
Logical Low Level vss vss Vss+0.5 V
Logical High Level VDD-3 V00 V00 V
Input Leakage 100 PA
All Other Input Voltages I
Logical Low Level vss vss Vss+0.5 V
Logical High Level - Internal Depletion Load to VDD VDD-3 V00 VDD V
Power Failure Detect Voltage (VDD Voltage), (Note 2) . 1 5 V
Count Operating Voltage . 7 1 1 V.
Hold Count Voltage (Note 2) , 11 V
Alarm and Sleep Outputs V00 = 11V
Logical High, Source VOH _ vss ' 2 1 PA
Logical Low, Sink VOL = Vss 4 2 5 mA
Output Current LeVeis VDD = 9V to 11V
Common Anode (Figure 5a)
10's of Hours (tr & c), 10's of Minutes Output Common " VSS
(a & d)
Logical High Level, Leakage VOH = V00 10 uA
Logical Low Level, Sink VOL = vss + 2V 24 mA
1 Hz Display ,
Logical High Level, Leakage VOH = V00 10 PA
Logical Low Level, Sink VOL " vss + 2V 36 . mA
All Other Segment Displays
Logical High Level, Leakage VOH = V00 10 PA
Logical Low Level, Sink VOL " Vss + 2V 12 mA
Output Current Levels VDD = 9V to 11V (Note 1)
." P ; f ': Common Cathode (Figure 5b)
j/pi' 10's of Hours (b & c), 10's of Minutes Output Common _ VSS ' A
(a & d)
Logical High Level, Source VOH " Vss + 1.5V _ 20 mA
Logical Low Level. Leakage VOL " vss 10 uA
1 Hz Display T
Logical High Level, Source VOH " vss + 1.5V 1 30 mA
Logical Low Level, Leakage VOL = vss 10 PA
All Other Segment Displays
Logical High Level, Source VOH = vss. + 1.5V 10 mA
Logical Low Level, Leakage VOL " vss 10 uA
Note 1: Segment output current must be limited to IS mA maximum by user; power dissipation must be limited to 900 mW " 70°C and 1.2W
at as'' C.
Note 2: The powar-fair detect voltage is 0.25V or more above the hold count voltage. The power-fail Iatch trips into power-fail mode at least
0.25V above the voltage at which data stored in the time latch is lost.
Now 3: Power supply voltage should not exceed a maximum voltage of 12V under any ciréumstances, sud, as during plug in, power up, display
"ON"/"OFF", or power supply ripple. Doing so runs the risk of permanently damaging the device.
Functional Description
A block diagram of the MM5402, MM5405 digital
clock radio circuit is shown in Figure t. The various
display setting modes are listed in Table l; and Table "
shows the setting control functions. The following
description is based on Figure 1 and refers to both
devices as they are electrically identical.
50 or 60 Hz Input: A shaping circuit (Figure 3) is pro-
vided to square the 50 or 60 Hz input. This circuit
allows use of a filtered sinewave input. The circuit is a
Schmitt trigger that is designed to provide about 0.8V
hysteresis. A simple RC filter such as shown in Figure 7,
should be used to remove possible line-voltage transients
that could either cause the clock to gain time or damage
the device. The shaper output drives a counter chain
which performs the timekeeping function. '
50 or 60 Hz Select Input: A programmable prescale
counter divides the input line frequency by either
50 or 60 to obtain a 1 Hz time base. This counter is
programmed to divide by 60 simply by leaving 50/
60 Hz select unconnected; pull-up to VDD is pro-
vided by an internal depletion load. Operation at 50 Hz
is, programmed by connecting 50/60 Hz select to Vss.
Display Mode Select Inputs: In the absence of any of
these three inputs, the display drivers present time-of-
day information to the appropriate display digits.
Internal depletion pult-up devices allow use of simple
SPST switches to select the display mode. " more than
one mode is selected, the priorities are as noted in
Table l. Alternate display modes are selected by apply-
ing Vss to the appropriate pin. As shown in Figure 1
the code converters receive time, seconds, alarm and
sleep information from appropriate points in the clock
circuitry. The display mode select inputs control the
gating of the desired data to the code converter inputs
and ultimately (via output drivers) to the display digits.
Connection Diagrams (Top Views)
Dual-ln-Line Package
" MRS-ba: T ?CDLON it Hz)
HRS - f T I? 12/24 Mt SELECT
HRS-g - - " HRhiN-HR)
HHS - a -r %- 50/60 Hz SELECT
HRS - h -r I? 50/60 Hz INPUT
" MINS - f -lr') '-33;t,- ALARM DISPLAY INPUT
10MtN8--atbd-- - on
Ill mus - n - tl, vss
WMINS -e -
IUMINS -t -iit
MINS -f - "
MINS - g U2 - suonzs INPUT
MINS - a w.?.?.- OUTPUT common
MINS - b - '"aT MINS - c
mus - a - mus - d
Order Number MMS402N
See Package 24
Time Setting Inputs: Both fast and slow setting inputs
are provided. "These inputs are applied either singly or
in combination to obtain the control functions listed-in
Table It. Again, internal ":depletion, pull-up devices T
are provided; application of Vss to these pins affects
the control functions. Nate that-the control functions
proper are dependent on the selected display mode.-
For example, a hoid~time control function is obtained
by selecting seconds display and actuating the slow set
input. As another example, the clock time may be-reset
to 12:00:00 AM, by selecting seconds display and actu-
ating both slow and fast set inputs.
Output Common: All display output drivers are open
drain devices with all the'sources connected to output
commoipin. This pin can be used as a common source
or a coinmon drain. When used as a common source,
this pin is connected to Vss and when used as a com-
mon drain, this pin is connected to VDD. This allows'
the use of either common anode or common cathode
LED's for disbiays. Figure 5 shows these Connections.
" or 24 Hour Select Input: By leaving this pin uncon-
nected, the outputs for the most-significant display
digit (10's of hours) are programmed to provide a
12-hour display format. An internal depletion pull-
up device " again provided. Connecting this pin to'
vss programs, the 24-hour display format. Segment
connections tifr 10's of hours in 24-hour mode are
shown in Figure 6.
Power Fail Indication: If the' power to the integrated
circuit drops, indicating a momentary ac power failure
and possible" loss of clock, all "ON" segments will
flash at 1 Hz rate. A fast or slow set input resets an
internal power failure latch and returns the display to
normal. '
DuaI-In-Line Package
m OUTPUT -2.: U (.,e- AM OUTPUT
t0LON(I_Hz) _ :im MS-trl"
12m m1 stunt T Has 4
ID '""'i"'T' "r'"?-'
T so/sn m SELECT _s "i7" Mt8-l
50/60 tie mm - V HRS - b
sum SET mrur ' Hns - c
sscouu msnav mrut l - HRS - e
ALARM msruv INPUT "Ti? F . b', m mus -1
sun DISPLAY INPUT 721 Tr " Mms - '
Ittttrtri ""-tttMtNS-albtt
v55 +1 I w mm: - tt
sun 00TPtIT-- . "Li-tttMm'-.
ALARM "OFF" INPUT - - w mus - .
ALARM ouwut - dL Mitts -t
snooze INPUT - Li Mms - I
u'imut cannon - 21. MINS - I
MINS-c- imms-u
Mitts -d - mus - .
Order Number MM5405N
See Package 24
Functional Description (Continued)
Alarm Operation and Output: The alarm comparator
(Figure 1) senses coincidence between the alarm count-
ers (the alarm setting) and the time counters (real time).
The comparator output is used to set a latch in the
alarm and sleep circuits. The Iatcioutput enables the
alarm output drive) (Figure 4b) which is used to
control the external alarm sound generator. The alarm
latch remains set for 59 minutes, during which the alarm
will therefore sound if the latch output is not tempor-
arily inhibited by another latch set by the snooze alarm
input or reset by the alarm "OFF" input. _
Snooze Alarm Input: Momentarily connecting snooze
to vss inhibits the alarm output for between 8 and 9
minutes, after which the alarm will again be sounded.
This input is pulled-up to VDD by an internal deple-
tion device. The snooze alarm feature may be repeatedly
used during the 59 minutes in which the alarm latch
remains set.
Alarm "OFF" Input: Momentarily connecting alarm
"OFF" to VSS resets the alarm latch and thereby
silences the alarm. This input is alstrreturned to VDD by
an internal depletion device. The momentary alarm
"OFF" input also readies the alarm latch for the next
comparator» output, and the alarm will automatically
sound again in 24 hours (or at a new alarm setting).
If it is desired to silence the alarm for a day or more,
the alarm "OFF" input should remain at vss.
Sleep Timer and Output: The sleep output can be used
to turn "OFF" a radio after a desired time interval of up
to 59 minutes. The time interval is chosen by selecting
the sleep display mode, (Table " and setting the desired
time interval (Table II). This automatically results in a
current sink output which can be used to turn "ON" a
radio (or other appliance). When the sleep counter,
which counts downwards, reaches 00 minutes, a latch
is reset and the sleep output current drive is removed,
thereby turning "OFF? the radio. This turn "OFF"
may also be manually controlled (at any time in the
countdown) by a momentary Vss connection to the
Snooze input. The output circuitry is the same as the
other outputs (Figure 4b).
salsa H2 _ l I
mun - , -T LOW V1" sols”:
EIGURE a. 50/60 Hz Input Shaping Circuit
uutrur common nus sad»
. Anna on sun >--l
>---l ouwur
(oven ORAN _
FlGURE Atal. Segment Outputs
FIGURE Mb). Alarm and Sleep Outputs
Functional Description (Continued) 0 . _ _ .~ 3 ii
TABLE I. MM5402, MMMOS Display Modes _ .
. Di o. . .
Time Display 10's of Hours & AM/PM Hours 10's of Minutes . Minutes
Seconds Display Blanked Minutes t0's of Seconds Seconds T
Alarm Display 10's of Hours tk AM/PM Hours 10's of Minutes Minutes tn
Steep Dispiay Blanked Blanked 10's of Minutes Minutes
' " more than one display mode input is applied, the display prioritiers are in the order of Sleep (overrides
ail others), Alarm. Seconds, Time (no other mode selecxed).
TABLE II. MM'5402, MM5405 Sertting Control Functions
*T-me Slow Nhoutes Advance at 2 Hz Rate
Fast Minutes Advance at 60 He Rate
Both Minutes Advance at 60 Hz Rate
Alarm Slow Alarm Minutes Advance at 2 Hz Rate
Fast Alarm Minutes Advance at 60 Hz Rate
Both Alarm Resets to 12:00 AM (Midnight) (12-Hour Format)
Both Alarm Resets to 00:00 (24-Hour Format)
Seconds Slow Input to Entire Time Counter is Inhibited (Hold)
Fast Seconds and 10's of Seconds Reset to Zero Without
a Carry to Minutes
Both Time Resets to 12:00:00 AM (Midnight) (12-Hour Format)
Both Time Resets to 00:00:00 (24-How Format) _
Sleep Slow Subtracts Count at 2 Hz a
Fast Subtract: Count at 60 Hz
Both Subtract: Count at tit) Hr
Nthen setting time steep minutes will decrement at rate of time counter, until the sleep counter
reaches 00 minutes (steep counter will not recycle).
OUTPUT Itss + 4
ll RR II I24 HR) g
common cnuone o--)
Vs r-cr
, Hz " HR
= b a .
FIGURE tual. Common FIGURE 5(b). Common FIGURE 6. 24-Hour Operation:
Anode Application Cathode Application MPs of Hours Digit Connections
This datasheet has been :
Datasheets for electronic components.
National Semiconductor was acquired by Texas Instruments.
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This file is the datasheet for the following electronic components:
MM5402 - product/mm5402?HQS=T|-nu||-nu|I-dscataIog-df-pf-null-wwe
MM5405N - product/mm5405n?HQS=TI-nuII-nul|-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe
MM5402N - product/mm5402n?HQS=TI-nuII-nulI-dscatalog-df-pf-null-wwe