single contact calculator type keypad. An inexpensive
R/C oscillator network ..
MM5402 ,Digital Alarm Clocksapplications. Both devices
will directly-drive 7-segment LED displays in either a
12-hour format ..
MM5402N ,Digital Alarm ClocksBlock Diagram
nunm " (Ill
cnmou o
" 1
12m Mum o l l
50/50 "
51m "1
MM5402N ,Digital Alarm ClocksElectrical Characteristics TA withirroperatihg rantm,UDD = 7V to 11V, Vss = 0V, uniess otheryVise s ..
MM5402N ,Digital Alarm ClocksFeatures _
50 or 60 Hz operation
Single power supply
12 or 24 hour display format
AM/PM o ..
MM5450 ,LED Display Driver
MN187163 ,Microcomputers Application-Specific Standard-Product ICsPin Configurationvm——>Pso—.P51—-—>P52——>p53——.p54>p55>P55*P57P60P61P62P63920 ps4P15(IRQ1) P65P14
MN1876476 ,Microcomputers Application-Specific Standard-Product ICsMaintenance/DiscontinuedMaintenance/Discontinued includes following four Product lifecycle stage.pl ..
MN18801A ,Microcomputers Application-Specific Standard-Product ICsPin Descriptions8—Bit ’l—Chio MicrocomputersSymbolPin NameMN I880] A ofMN1880 Series' DescriptionVD ..
MN1959041 ,For Information稢ommunicationFeatures•General-purpose DSP core (MP: Main Processor) that can implement complex processing flexib ..
MN1A7T0200 ,MicrocomputerMN1A7T0200Type MN1A7T0200Max. 16 M in totalROM (× × × × ×8-bit / × × × × ×16-bit / × × × × ×32-bit) ..
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r‘wtsngw; 7
MM5393, MM5394, MM53143, MM53144
Push Button Pulse Dialer Circuits
General Description
The MM5393, MM5394, MM53143 and MM53144
low threshold voltage, ion-implanted, metal-gat CMOS' -
integrated circuits that convert pushbutton inputs l
series of pulses to simulate a telephone rotary dial.
Pushbutton inputs require the use of a simple, low cost
single contact calculator type keypad. An inexpensive
R/C oscillator network is used as the frequency refer-
ence. Storage is provided for 21 digits. A redial feature
via use of the # key is included. An interdigit pause can
be externally selected as either 420 or B40 ms, A mute
output is provided to mute receiver noise during out-
pulsing. No muting occurs during the interdigit pause,
thereby allowing the user to hear any busy or error
condition arising during the call. The MM5393 and
MM53143 provide a pacifier tone of 600 Hz every time
a key is depressed. The MM5393 and MM5394 provide a
1.6:1 break/make ratio. The MM53143 and MM53144
provide a 2:1 break/make ratio.
Direct line powered operation
Loevoitage operation to 2V
Low cost R/C oscillator
Single contact keypad
21-digit storage
Selectable interdigital pause
Redial of last number
600 Hz tone (available in MM5393 and MM53143)
Block and Connection Diagrams
Dual-In-Line Package
”.1 L) g: o:
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Van " d, J2 In! mm
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I o. - - - - - - - , A
III _ I -:--Trrifd
cscIAIIII \ r r MM5393
ml! KEnoAnD mule DECODEH ourrutsnm ”m _ - M53
scu cwmm Lon": W13!
obo-- I See Package 12
: - - - _____ ( Dual-In-Line Package
--., BUT!
l mm mm WRITE COITRDL ' od. U L10:
CONTROL commas Loam . 1 "
I -9tr0itE kr- -
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L ---.----q..-----...-..t.-----i---- - - - u -t. 2
osct -ar' mu m! noun " '''','l" inPSLLEET
sum 3mm "s-' MM53t44 I.'-s
os-' /-'vss
use ,-'. lun,
FIGURE1 tsses-'. mem
Order Number M51539“
or MM§314¢J
See Package "
WLSSWIN .,‘8tl-89Uilw FPGSSIAIEN :‘ssssww
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Voltage at Any Pin
Operating Temperature Range
Storage Temperature Range
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 seconds)
Vss -0.3V to VDD +0.3V
-3d'c to +7o°c
HiSoC to +150°C
6.5V Max J
Electrical Characteristics TA within operating temperature range, Vss = Gnd, 2V 3 V00 f, 5.5V
13,- MMSMI MM53143, W531“ ‘
Input Voltage Levels at
IDP Select, Hook Switch,
Logical "1" VDD-0.25 VDD V
Logical "o" Vss Vss+0.25 , V
Input Pull-Up Resistor
Currents at K1--K4, Source VDD = 3V, VIN = Vss 1 3 PA
Input Pull-Down Resistor
Current at HK SW, Sink V VDD = 3V, VIN = 3V 1.5 3 PA
Keypad Contact Resistance 1 kfl
Output Current Uevels
Dial Pulse
Logical "I'', Source VDD = 3V, VOUT = VDD -0.9 150 PA
Logical "O'', Sink VDD = 3V, VOUT = Vss +0.9 150 psA
Mute P
Logical "I'', Source VDD = 3V, VOUT = VDD T0.9 100 pA
Logical "ty', Sink VDD = 3V, VOUT = vss +0.9 100 pA
Logical "1",Source VDD = 3V, VOUT = VDD -0.5 10 PA
Logical "ty', Sink VDD = 3V, VOUT = Vss +0.5 10 PA
01, 02, 03
Logical "I'', Source VDD = 3V, VOUT = VDD -0.5 20 PA
Logical "O'', Sink VDD = 3V, VOUT = Vss +0.5 150 PA
Supply Current VDD = 3.3V, Osc Freq = 20 kHz 100 PA
VDD = 5.5V, "ON Hook" Osc Stopped 5 pA
Outpulsing Frequency Use = 20 kHz 9 11 Hz
v'r'cryyr'it.yctr'f:iR.Wrh'r, '/i,e-'/s,s'e'?e1':'Hyf1)a','Fi't's'i',a?t,g F8
Functional Description
A block diagram of the MM5393, MM5394, MM53143
and MM53144 integrated circuit is shown in Figure 1
and package connection diagrams for the 2 package
options are shown in Figure 2.
Oscillator (Pins 6, 7, and 8): The time base for the pulse
dialer integrated circuit is an R/C-controlled oscillator
like that shown in Figure 3, typically tuned to 20 kHz
by the R1 and C1 combination. Stability of 110% of
typical frequency can be maintained over the voltage
range 3.0 - 5.5V and temperature range -3tf't: to
+70°C. At fixed voltage and temperature, part to part
yariation is less than 5%.
This clock is successively divided to derive the necessary
timing for outpulsing and interdigit pause.
Keyboard (Pins 1-4 and 16.-18 or t4-161: The
MM5393, MM5394, MM53143 and MM53144 utilize an
inexpensive single contact (Form A, Figure 7) keypad.
A valid key closure is recorded when a single row (Kx
input) is connected to a single column (0y input).
key closures are protected from contact bounce for
Dial Pulse Output (Pin 9): The Dial Pulse output drives T
an external bipolar transistor that sequentially opens
(breaks) the telephone loop a number of times equal to
the input digit selected. For example, key 5 will generate
5 loop current breaks. The break/make ratio of the
MM5393 and MM5394 is 1.6:1.0 (i.e. 61.5%:38.5%).
The break/make ratio of the MM53143- and MM53144
is 2,021.0 (i.e. 67%:33%).
IDP Select (Pin 15 or 13): The IDP select input is used
to select an interdigit separation of either 420 ms (logic
"0" = VSS) or 840 ms (logic "I'' = VDD). An interdigit
delay precedes the first digit outpulse sequence.
Mute (Pin 11 or 10): The Mute output is used to drive
an external bipolar transistor that is used to mute the
receiver during the outpulse period. System timing
between key closure, mute and diél pulse is shown by'
the timing diagram in Figure 4.
Tone ‘(Pin 14 MM5393 and MM53143 Only): The
MM5393 and MM53143 provide a tone output to
provide audio feedback to the user. The output is a 600
Hz tone that requires an extemal bipolar driver to
activate the telephone receiver.
Hook Switch Input (Pin 5): The function of the hook
switch input is to properly initialize the circuitry for
proper memory and redial operation. tn the "ON Hook".
logic "O'' or Vss condition, the hook switch input
a. Stops the 20 kHz oscillator
b. Sets the memory pointer back to digit 1
c. Clamps the dial pulse and mute outputs to logic
"I'' 0r VDD
d. Resets all control logic
When thrtelephone is taken "OFF-Hook", this input
must be taken to logic "1" or VDD to release the
oscillator and enable the memory and various outputs.
For a non-redial application it is necessary to provide an
RC delay of approximately 10 us to the hook switch
input in order to provide a proper power-on clear
Schematic diagrams for use of the MM5393, MM5394,
MM53143 and MM53144 in typical applications are
shown in Figures 5and6.
Radial Feature
Pushbutton inputs are accepted at an asynchronous rate.
If only 1 key is detected for ti ms, the decoded key will
be loaded into a first-in-first-out memory and outpulsing
of the correct number of pulses will immediately begin.
After the first digit has been completed, outpulsing will
cease unless another key has been entered. This allows
use in a PBX system to insure receipt of a dial tone after
an access code has been entered and before entering the
remainder of the number. If the call was not successful,
it can be redialed at a later time by pressing the redial
(#) key. If an access code is required, as in a PBX
system, it can be manually entered, the dial tone estab
lished, and then the redial key pushed to automatically
dial the remainder of the number. Only 1 key can be
entered before pushing the redial key.
An example of this operation is shown here:
9 P 4087375000 940873760tto 94087375000
94087376000 94087375000
94087375000 94087375000
First Try
Second Try 9 P #
Third Try 9 P #
Where P implies a user pause
MM'5393,~MM5394, MM53143, MM53144
VI I/t Van
-1/t1mo-- --.- - - -
FIGURE 3. Three Gate Oscillator and Waveforms
4" Id-S ms
"-m'--1 'rr-dl-,, ”.1sz
FIGURE 4. Output Timing Waveforms
, ?EWW?E§:?£RE{72 ~??éflfifimfimgm
Functional Description (Continued)
-._.. --.---- ------r-r-e-,--e---ecku-rs.
t" "l, > won II}! “An . ,1 ' : -I
I ====
I _ l '
" (must
l sav2
I '.'===rr.
' _, "KT'" tt .
L --.--.-- -l . -t-''e,.',c,.._...-_.,,.'L' -.---. J
m mun: II "IOIE _
Note 1: No redial.
Note 2: Non-valued parts included in instrument.
Note 3: Letters refer to instrument terminals.
FIGURE 5. Typical Application of MM5394 in Typis 500D Telephona
qillt " -
I u (m m
. ---WVIOAm
----za-sr---l ' /
- Remainder of system is same as Figure 5.
FIGURE 6. Typical Application pf MM5394 Using Radial Feature
w. 2 s:_n
v v ' "
u: 02 _ 03
FIGURE 7. Keypad Matrix
This datasheet has been :
Datasheets for electronic components.
National Semiconductor was acquired by Texas Instruments.
corp/docs/irwestor_relations/Pr_09_23_201 1_national_semiconductor.html
This file is the datasheet for the following electronic components:
MM53143 - product/mm53143?HQS=T|-nuII-null-dscatalog-df-pf-null-wwe
MM5393 - product/mm5393?HQS=T|-nu||-nu|I-dscatalog-df—pf-nulI-wwe
MM53144 - product/mm53144?HQS=T|—nuII-nulI-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe
MM5393J - product/mm5393j?HQS=T|—null-nu|I-dscatalog-df-pf-nuII-wwe
MM5394J - product/mm5394j?HQS=T|-nuIl-nu|I-dscatalog-df-pf-nu||-wwe
MM53143J - product/mm53143j?HQS=T|-nulI-nu|I-dscataIog-df-pf-null-wwe
MM53144J - product/mm53144j?HQS=T|-nulI-nu|I—dscataIog-df-pf-null-wwe