ML6427CS ,75omega quad video drivers and filters with switchable inputsGeneral Description• Cable drivers for Peritel (SCART), Enhanced Video The ML6427 is a quad 4th-ord ..
ML6427CSX ,75 Ohm Quad Video Cable Drivers and Filters with Switchable InputsApplications section).4CV B/Y3 Filtered analog composite video or luma video input for Bank
. No ..
ML6428 ,S-Video Filter and 75Ohm Line Drivers with Summed Composite Output
ML6428CS1 ,S-Video Filter and 75 Ohm Line Drivers with Summed Composite OutputGeneral Description• 6.7MHz Y and C filters, with CV out for NTSC or PAL The ML6428 is a dual Y/C 4t ..
ML6428CS2X ,S-Video Filter and 75 Ohm Line Drivers with Summed Composite OutputGeneral Description• 6.7MHz Y and C filters, with CV out for NTSC or PAL The ML6428 is a dual Y/C 4t ..
ML6429CS ,75Ohm Quad Video Cable Drivers and Filters with Switchable InputsGeneral Description• Cable drivers for Peritel (SCART), Enhanced Video The ML6429 is a quad 4th-ord ..
MMBT5088 ,NPN silicon low noise transistor.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted.)l Charatttttristle Symbol Mln Max Uni ..
MMBT5088 ,NPN silicon low noise transistor.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted.)l Charatttttristle Symbol Mln Max Uni ..
MMBT5088 ,NPN silicon low noise transistor.
MMBT5088 ,NPN silicon low noise transistor.=15 DE 5357250: unaauu? 3 rMOTOROLA SC {XSTRS/R "_ r - ,7950 82047 Ds:iuizrsCivii:iiGi:ii:rL'i' SC ..
MMBT5088LT1G , Low Noise Transistors NPN Silicon
MMBT5089 ,NPN General Purpose AmplifierTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICS SOT-23 tTO-23th JUABICharattteristItt Symbol Max UnitTotal Device Dissipati ..
75 Ohm Quad Video Cable Drivers and Filters with Switchable Inputs
Features Cable drivers for Peritel (SCART), Enhanced Video
Connector (EVC), and standard video connectors, 75
cable drivers for CV , S-video, and RGB 7.1MHz CV, RGB, and S-video, NTSC or PAL filters with
mux inputs and output channel mux Quad reconstruction filter or dual anti-aliasing filter 43dB stopband attenuation at 27MHz 1dB flatness up to 4.8MHz 12ns group delay flatness up to 10MHz 0.4% differential gain, 0.4º differential phase on all
channels 0.4% total harmonic distortion on all channels Master-slave configuration allows up to 8 multiplexed,
filtered output signals
General Description
The ML6427 is a quad 4th-order Butterworth lowpass
reconstruction filter plus quad video amplifier optimized for
minimum overshoot and flat group delay. Each filter channel
has a two-input multiplexer that switches between two
groups of quad video signals. Applications driving SCART
and EVC cables are supported for composite, component,
and RGB video.
input signals from DACs are AC coupled into the
ML6427 where they are DC restored. Outputs are AC
coupled and drive 2V
into a 150
load. The ML6427
can provide DC coupled outputs for certain applications.
A fifth unfiltered channel is provided to support an additional
analog composite video input. A swapping multiplexer
between the two composite channels allows the distribution
amplifiers to output from either input.
Several ML6427s can be arranged in a master-slave configu-
ration where an external sync can be used for CV and RGB