ML4821CP ,Power Factor Correction (PFC) ControllerGeneral Description• Average current sensing for lowest possible harmonic The ML4821 provides compl ..
ML4822CP , ZVS Average Current PFC Controller
ML4822CP , ZVS Average Current PFC Controller
ML4823CP ,High frequency power supply controllerapplications Soft start and max. duty cycle controlusing voltage or current mode and provides for i ..
ML4823CP ,High frequency power supply controllerFEATURESThe ML4823 High Frequency PWM Controller is an IC Practical operation at switching frequen ..
MMBF0201NLT1 ,Power MOSFET 300 mAmps, 20 VoltsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ACharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
MMBF0201NLT1 ,Power MOSFET 300 mAmps, 20 VoltsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS1.0 1.0V = 5 VGS0.80.8V = 4 VGS0.60.6V = 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 VGS0.40.4125°C-5 ..
MMBF0201NLT1 ,Power MOSFET 300 mAmps, 20 VoltsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS1.8 1001.6 V = 10 V @ 300 mAGS801.4601.2V = 4.5 V @ 100 mAGSCiss401.0Coss ..
MMBF0201NLT1G ,Power MOSFET 300 mAmps, 20 VoltsMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted) 3JRating Symbol Value UnitDrain–to–Source Voltage ..
MMBF0202PLT1 ,Power MOSFET 300 mAmps, 20 VoltsMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted) 3JRating Symbol Value UnitDrain–to–Source Voltage ..
MMBF0202PLT1G ,Power MOSFET 300 mAmps, 20 VoltsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ACharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
Power Factor and PWM Controller Combo
May 1997
Power Factor and PWM Controller “Combo”
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe ML4819 is a complete boost mode Power factor
Controller (PFC) which also contains a PWM controller.The PFC circuit is similar to the ML4812 while the PWM
controller can be used for current or voltage mode control
for a second stage converter. Since the PWM and PFC
circuits share the same oscillator, synchronization of thetwo stages is inherent. The outputs of the controller IC
provide high current (>1A peak) and high slew rate to
quickly charge and discharge MOSFET gates. Special care
has been taken in the design of the ML4819 to increasesystem noise immunity.
The PFC section is of the peak current sensing boost type,
using a current sense transformer or current sensing
MOSFETs to non-dissipatively sense switch current. Thisgives the system overall efficiency over average current
sensing control method.
The PWM section includes cycle by cycle current limiting,
precise duty cycle limiting for single ended converters,and slope compensation.
FEATURES Two 1A peak current totem-pole output drivers Precision buffered 5V reference (±1%) Large oscillator amplitude for better noise immunity Precision duty cycle limit for PWM section Current input gain modulator improves noise immunity Programmable Ramp Compensation circuit Over-Voltage comparator helps prevent output“runaway” Wide common mode range in current sense
compensators for better noise immunity Under-Voltage Lockout circuit with 6V hysteresis