ML4803CP2 ,Power Factor Correction (PFC) and PWM Controller ComboBlock Diagram7VCCPFC OFF REF VVEAO REF7V +V OVP4COMP CC+– 17.5VGNDCOMP–16.2V 235µ AM3–1M4PFC PFC OU ..
ML4803CP-2 ,8-Pin PFC and PWM Controller ComboFEATURESThe ML4803 is a space-saving controller for power factor Internally synchronized PFC and ..
ML4803CP-2 ,8-Pin PFC and PWM Controller ComboJanuary 2001PRELIMINARYML48038-Pin PFC and PWM Controller Combo
ML4810CP , High Frequency Power Supply Controller
ML4812CP ,Power Factor Correction (PFC) Controller ML4812Power Factor Controller
MMBD914L ,High-Speed Switching DiodeMaximum ratings are those values beyond which device damage can occur.
MMBD914LT1 ,High-Speed Switching DiodeTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICS3Characteristic Symbol Max Unit1Total Device Dissipation P 225 mWDFR−5 Board ..
MMBD914LT3 ,High-Speed Switching DiodeMaximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (notnormal operating condi ..
MMBD914-V-GS08 , Small Signal Switching Diode
MMBF0201NLT1 ,Power MOSFET 300 mAmps, 20 VoltsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ACharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
MMBF0201NLT1 ,Power MOSFET 300 mAmps, 20 VoltsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS1.0 1.0V = 5 VGS0.80.8V = 4 VGS0.60.6V = 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 VGS0.40.4125°C-5 ..
Power Factor Correction (PFC) and PWM Controller Combo
Features Internally synchronized PFC and PWM in one 8-pin IC Patented one-pin voltage error amplifier with advanced
input current shaping technique Peak or average current, continuous boost, leading edge
PFC (Input Current Shaping Technology) High efficiency trailing-edge current mode PWM Low supply currents; start-up: 150µA typ., operating:
2mA typ. Synchronized leading and trailing edge modulation Reduces ripple current in the storage capacitor between
the PFC and PWM sections Overvoltage, UVLO, and brownout protection PFC V
OVP with PFC Soft Start
General DescriptionThe ML4803 is a space-saving controller for power factor
corrected, switched mode power supplies that offers very
low start-up and operating currents.
Power Factor Correction (PFC) offers the use of smaller, lower
cost bulk capacitors, reduces power line loading and stress on
the switching FETs, and results in a power supply fully compli-
ant to IEC1000-3-2 specifications. The ML4803 includes
circuits for the implementation of a leading edge, average
current “boost” type PFC and a trailing edge, PWM.
The ML4803-1’s PFC and PWM operate at the same
frequency, 67kHz. The PFC frequency of the ML4803-2 is
automatically set at half that of the 134kHz PWM. This
higher frequency allows the user to design with smaller
PWM components while maintaining the optimum operating
frequency for the PFC. An overvoltage comparator shuts
down the PFC section in the event of a sudden decrease in
load. The PFC section also includes peak current limiting for
enhanced system reliability.