MJ4502 ,Leaded Power Transistor General PurposeABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS
Symbol Parameter Unit
Collector-emitter Voltage (Its Td.'.' O) n V
Vc ..
MJ8503 , Silicon NPN Power Transistor
MJB41C ,Complementary Silicon Plastic Power Transistors2P , POWER DISSIPATION (WATTS)Dt, TIME μ (s)MJB41C (NPN), MJB42C (PNP)1.00.7D = 0.20.2 ..
MJB42C ,Complementary Silicon Plastic Power Transistors3t, TIME μ (s)I , COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMP)Cr(t), TRANSIENT THERMAL RESISTANCE (NORMALIZED)C, CAPAC ..
MJB42CT4 ,Complementary Silicon Plastic Power TransistorsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25C unless otherwise noted)CCharacteristic Symbol Min Max UnitOFF ..
MJB44H11 ,Complementary Power TransistorsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)CCharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
MM74HC , Synchronous Decade Counter with Asynchronous Clear
MM74HC00 ,Quad 2-Input NAND Gate
MM74HC00 ,Quad 2-Input NAND GateFeaturesLS-TTL gates with the low power consumption of standardCMOS integrated circuits. All gates ..
MM74HC00M ,Quad 2-Input NAND GateMM74HC00 Quad 2-Input NAND GateSeptember 1983Revised January 2005MM74HC00Quad 2-Input NAND Gate
MM74HC00MTC ,Quad 2-Input NAND GateElectrical Characteristics V = 5V, T = 25°C, C = 15 pF, t = t = 6 nsCC A L r f GuaranteedSymbol Par ..
MM74HC00MTCX ,Quad 2-Input NAND GateMM74HC00 Quad 2-Input NAND GateSeptember 1983Revised January 2005MM74HC00Quad 2-Input NAND Gate
Leaded Power Transistor General Purpose
26 C) {320 '
. tiiizrfi'i:r' SGSe/nyflt))UilSt))RI
Ef mmmmfimmm
The MJ802 (NPN) and MJ4502 (PNP) are silicon
epitaxial-base complementary power transistors in
Jedec TO-3 metal case, intended for general pur-
pose power amplifier and switching applications.
PN E 54.91
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Vceo Collector-emitter Voltage (la = O) 90 V
Vcao Collector-base Voltage (ls = O) 100 V
Veeo Emitter-base Voltage (lc = O) 4 V
lc Collector Current 30 A
la Base Current 7.5 A
Ptot Total Power Dissipation at Tcase s 25°C 200 W
Tstg Storage Temperature . - 65 to 200 °C
T, Junction Temperature 200 ''C
December 1988
IR”. case Thermal Resistance Junction-case Max 0.875 °C/W
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tcase = 25 ( unless otherwise specified)
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
_ CoMeor-emrtter Sustaining lc = 200 mA 90 V
- .1f11ire (la =0)
Ics:, Collector Cutoff Current Vcs = 100V 1 mA
“E = C) Tcase =150°C 5 mA
1t.”- cnmter Cutoff Current VEB = 4V 1 mA
tlc. = 0)
Coliector-emitter Sustaining -
Volgagg (REE =1OOQ) lc - 200mA 100 V
m»; l DC, Current (ain ic = 7.5A VCE = 2V 25 100
(re " Coilector-emitter Saturation lc = 7.5A Iss = 0.75A 0.8 V
Vrrsa Base-emitter Saturation lc = 7.5A la = 0.75A 1.3 V
Vs..-, Base-enmter Voltage lc = 7.5A VCE = 2V 1.3 V
t; Iransmcn Frequency 10 = 1A -
f = 1MHZ VCE - 10V 2 MHz
. Pcseo pause awatuar = 30; ..s duty cycle s 2 %.
Fo, PNF :,pe xartage arc -..'re"1vah.es are negative.
Safe Operating Areas. DC Current Gain (NPN type).
6 .5202" 6-52m.
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t is" iooes'; to' L j“ ---,-i---. I-ri-iii, iii! =i:,
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