MHW7185C ,MHW7185C 750 MHz, 19.4 dB Gain, 110-Channel CATV Amplifier ModuleELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 24 Vdc, T = +30°C, 75 Ω system unless otherwise noted)CC CCharacter ..
MHW7205C ,750 MHz, 20.2 dB Gain, 24 V 110–Channel CATV Amplifier Module
MHW7205C ,750 MHz, 20.2 dB Gain, 24 V 110–Channel CATV Amplifier Module
MHW7222 ,22 dB GAIN 750/860 MHz 110/128 CHANNEL CATV AMPLIFIERS**Order this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MHW7222/DThe RF Line * **"* * **" ** ** !22 dB ..
MHW7222A ,22 dB GAIN 750 MHz 110 CHANNEL CATV AMPLIFIERfeatures22 dB GAINion–implanted, arsenic emitter transistors, an all gold metallization system and7 ..
MHW7242A ,MHW7242A 750 MHz, 24.7 dB Gain, 110-Channel CATV Amplifier ModuleELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 24 Vdc, T = +30°C, 75 Ω system unless otherwise noted)CC CCharacter ..
MIP301 ,Silicon MOS ICBlock DiagramVINAuto-restart Drain pin0Control pin Shutdown/Auto-restartPower supply Auto-restart c ..
MIP504 ,Power Deviceapplications intended.(4) The products and product specifications described in this material are su ..
MIP514 ,Power DeviceElectrical Characteristics T = 25°C ± 3°CCParameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitOn-state res ..
MIP516 ,Power DeviceElectrical Characteristics T = 25°C ± 3°CCParameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitDrain-source ..
MHW7185C 750 MHz, 19.4 dB Gain, 110-Channel CATV Amplifier Module
The RF Line �� ��������� ������
Features Specified for 77– and 110–Channel Loading Excellent Distortion Performance Silicon Bipolar Transistor Technology Unconditionally Stable Under All Load Conditions
Applications CATV Systems Operating in the 40 to 750 MHz Frequency Range Output Stage Amplifier in Optical Nodes, Line Extenders and Trunk
Distribution Amplifiers for CATV Systems Driver Amplifier in Linear General Purpose Applications
Description 24 Vdc Supply, 40 to 750 MHz, CATV Forward Power Doubler Amplifier
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 24 Vdc, TC = +30°C, 75 Ω system unless otherwise noted)