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Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
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N–Channel Enhancement–Mode Silicon GateThis IGBT contains a built–in free wheeling diode and a gate
protection zener. Fast switching characteristics result in efficient
operation at higher frequencies. Built–In Free Wheeling Diode Built–In Gate Protection Zener Diode Industry Standard Package (TO92 — 1.0 Watt) High Speed Eoff: Typical 6.5 J @ IC = 0.3 A; TC = 125°C and
dV/dt = 1000 V/s Robust High Voltage Termination Robust Turn–Off SOA
MAXIMUM RATINGS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted)
UNCLAMPED DRAIN–TO–SOURCE AVALANCHE CHARACTERISTICS (TC ≤ 150°C)(1) Pulse width is limited by maximum junction temperature repetitive rating.
Designer’s Data for “Worst Case” Conditions— The Designer’s Data Sheet permits the design of most circuits entirely from the information presented. SOA Limit
curves— representing boundaries on device characteristics— are given to facilitate “worst case” design.
Designer’s is a trademark of Motorola, Inc.
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