MGR2018CT ,Power Manager Gallium Arsenide Power Rectifierfeatures:GALLIUM ARSENIDE• Planar Epitaxial ConstructionRECTIFIER• Nitride Passivation for Stable B ..
MGS05N60D ,Insulated Gate Bipolar TransistorTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSThermal Resistance — Junction to Case – IGBT R 25 °C/WθJC— Junction to Ambie ..
MGS13002D ,Insulated Gate Bipolar TransistorTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSThermal Resistance — Junction to Case – IGBT R 25 °C/WθJC— Junction to Ambie ..
MGS71008 ,Absorptive SPDT GaAs MMIC Switch
MGS71008 ,Absorptive SPDT GaAs MMIC Switch
MGSF1N02ELT1 ,Power MOSFET 750 mAmps, 20 VoltsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ACharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
MIG300Q2CMB1X ,Intelligent Power Module Silicon N Channel IGBT High Power Switching Applications Motor Control ApplicationsApplications Integrates inverter power circuits and control circuits (IGBT drive unit, units f ..
MIG30J103H ,TOSHIBA INTELLIGENT POWER MODULE SILICON N CHANNEL LGBTAPPLICATIONSI Intelligent Power Module that include IGBT drive circuits, overcurrent, undervoltage ..
MIG30J106L ,Motor Control ApplicationsMIG30J106LMlf'l'l'lltnl'tnAlvCONTROL
MIG30J901H ,INTEGRATED GTR MODULEapplicationsof our products. No responsibilityis assumed by TOSHIBAlor any infringementsof patentso ..
MIG400J101H ,Intelligent Power Module Silicon N Channel IGBT High Power Switching Applications Motor Control ApplicationsApplications Integrates inverter power circuits & control circuits (IGBT drive units, protectio ..
MIG400J2CSB1W ,Intelligent Power Module Silicon N Channel IGBT High Power Switching Applications Motor Control ApplicationsApplications Integrates inverter power circuits and control circuits (IGBT drive unit, units f ..
Power Manager Gallium Arsenide Power Rectifier
-- -.. ideally suited for high frequency power supplies, free wheeling diodes, and as polarityprotection diodes, these state-of-the-art devices have the following features: Planar Epitaxial Construction Nitride Passivation for Stable Blocking Characteristics Monolithic Dual Die Construction – May be Paralleled for High Current Output
(10A per leg or 20A per package) Single Die Available (MGR1018) Epoxy Meets UL94, VO @ 1/8″ Hyperfast and Soft Reverse Recovery Over Specified Temperature Range (15 ns)
Mechanical Characteristics Case: Epoxy, Molded Weight: 1.9 grams (approximately) Finish: All External Surfaces Corrosion Resistant & Terminal Leads are Readily Solderable Lead Temperature for Soldering Purposes: 260°C Max. for 10 Seconds Shipped 50 units per plastic tube Marking: MGR2018CT
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSNote: This data sheet contains advance information only and is subject to change without notice.