MG100Q1ZS50 ,GTR Module Silicon N Channel IGBT High Power Switching Applications Motor Control ApplicationsApplications High input impedance High speed : t = 0.3µs (Max) f @Inductive load Low satur ..
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MG100Q2YS50 ,GTR Module Silicon N Channel IGBT High Power Switching Applications Motor Control ApplicationsApplications High input impedance High speed : t = 0.3µs (Max) f @Inductive Load Low satur ..
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MG10Q6ES50A ,N CHANNEL IGBT (HIGH PWER SWITCHING / MOTOR CONTROL APPLICATIONS)APPLICATIONS71+0.860'96+0;5,16.0 1 0.5w,1b.Z4iU.bO The Electrodes are Isolated from Case. comm "ll- ..
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GTR Module Silicon N Channel IGBT High Power Switching Applications Motor Control Applications
MG100Q1ZS50 TOSHIBA GTR Module Silicon N Channel IGBT
MG100Q1ZS50 High Power Switching Applications
Motor Control Applications High input impedance High speed : tf = 0.3µs (Max)
@Inductive load Low saturation voltage
: VCE (sat) = 3.6V (Max) Enhancement-mode The electrodes are isolated from case.
Equivalent Circuit
Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C) ― 3 / 3
Unit: mm
Weight: 255g