MF5 ,Universal Monolithic Switched Capacitor FilterFeaturesYThe MF5 consists of an extremely easy to use, general pur- Low costpose CMOS active filter ..
MF6CN-100 ,5 V to 14 V, 500 mW, 6-th order switched capacitor butterworth lowpass filter
MF6CWM-100 ,6th Order Switched Capacitor Butterworth Lowpass
MF6CWM-100 ,6th Order Switched Capacitor Butterworth Lowpass
MF6CWM-50 ,6th Order Switched Capacitor Butterworth Lowpass
MF6CWM-50 ,6th Order Switched Capacitor Butterworth Lowpass
MIC5255-3.1BM5 , 150mA Low Noise UCap CMOS LDO
MIC5255-3.1BM5 , 150mA Low Noise UCap CMOS LDO
MIC5255-3.1BM5 , 150mA Low Noise UCap CMOS LDO
MIC5255-3.1BM5 , 150mA Low Noise UCap CMOS LDO
MIC5255-3.1YM5 , 150mA Low Noise UCap CMOS LDO
MIC5255-3.1YM5 , 150mA Low Noise UCap CMOS LDO
Universal Monolithic Switched Capacitor Filter
February 1995
MF5 Universal Monolithic Switched Capacitor Filter
General Description
The MF5 consistsofan extremely easyto use, generalpur-
pose CMOS active filter building blockandan uncommitted amp. The filter building block, together withan external
clockand afew resistors,can producevarioussecond order
functions.The filter building blockhas3 output pins. Oneof
the output pinscanbe configuredto perform highpass,all-
passor notch functions andthe remaining2 output pins
perform bandpassand lowpass functions. The centerfre-
quencyofthe filtercanbe directly dependentonthe clock
frequencyorit can dependon both clock frequency and
external resistor ratios. The uncommittedop ampcanbe
usedfor cascading purposes,for obtaining additionalall-
passand notch functions,orfor various other applications.
Higher order filter functionscanbe obtainedby cascading
several MF5sorby usingthe MF5in conjuction withthe
MF10 (dual switched capacitor filter building block). The
MF5is functionally compatible withthe MF10.Anyofthe
classical filter configurations (suchas Butterworth, Bessel,
Cauerand Chebyshev)canbe formed.
Features Low cost 14-pin DIPor 14-pin Surface Mount (SO) wide-body
package Easytouse Clockto center frequency ratio accuracy g0.6% Filter cutoff frequency stability directly dependenton
external clock quality Low sensitivityto external component variations Separate highpass(or notchor allpass), bandpass, low-
pass outputsfocQ rangeupto200 kHz Operationupto30 kHz (typical) Additional uncommitted op-amp
Block and Connection Diagrams
All Packages
TL/H/5066–2Top View
OrderNumber MF5CN
SeeNS Package Number N14A
Order Number MF5CWM
See NSPackageNumber M14B
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.