MC9S12DJ64VFU ,MC9S12DJ64 Device User Guide V01.17electrical characteristics 18 FEB 18 FEB replaced tPULSE with tpign and tpval in lines "Port ... In ..
MC9S12DP256CCPV , device made up of standard HCS12 blocks and the HCS12 processor core
MC9S12DP256CCPV , device made up of standard HCS12 blocks and the HCS12 processor core
MC9S12DP256CCPV , device made up of standard HCS12 blocks and the HCS12 processor core
MC9S12DP512VPV , Microcontroller Unit (MCU)
MC9S12DT128BCPV , MC9S12DT128B
MG80C286--10 ,High Performance Microprocessor with Memory Management and Protection80C286/883High Performance Microprocessor with MemoryManagement and ProtectionMarch 1997
MG815+ , Precision High Voltage Resistors
MG87C196KC/B , POWERFUL MICROCONTROLLER for use in the automotive market
MG8Q6ES42 ,N CHANNEL IGBT (HIGH POWER SWITCHING / MOTOR CONTROL APPLICATIONS)APPLICATIONS.r------"--'-'?--'--------------,O The Electrodes are Isolated From Case.14IU.6’ 14IU.6 ..
MGA-23003-TR1G , 3.3-3.8 GHz WiMAX Power Amplifi er (3x3mm)
MGA-30116-TR1G , 150MHz – 1GHz 1/2 Watt High Linearity Amplifier Standard QFN 3X3 package
MC9S12DJ64 Device User Guide V01.17
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neither doesit convey any license underits patent rights nor the rightsof others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, authorizedfor useas componentsin systems intendedfor surgical implant into the body,or other applications intendedto
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Device User Guide
Covers also
MC9S12D64, MC9S12A64
Original Release Date: 19 Nov. 2001
Revised: 21 May 2004
Motorola, Inc.