MC74ACT257DR2 ,Quad 2-Input Multiplexer with 3-State Outputselected data in true (noninverted) form. The outputs may be switchedto a high impedance state by p ..
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Quad 2-Input Multiplexer 3-State Output
MC74AC257, MC74ACT257
Quad 2-Input Multiplexer
with 3-State Outputs
The MC74AC257/74ACT257 is a quad 2–input multiplexer with
3–state outputs. Four bits of data from two sources can be selected
using a Common Data Select input. The four outputs present the
selected data in true (noninverted) form. The outputs may be switched
to a high impedance state by placing a logic HIGH on the common
Output Enable (OE) input, allowing the outputs to interface directly
with bus–oriented systems. Multiplexer Expansion by Tying Outputs Together Noninverting 3–State Outputs Outputs Source/Sink 24 mA ′ACT257 Has TTL Compatible Inputs
VCC I0c I1c Zc I0d I1d Zd
SI0a I1a Za I0b I1b Zb GND
Figure 1. Pinout: 16–Lead Packages Conductors
(Top View)
L = LOW Voltage Level
X = Immaterial
Z = High Impedance