MC7447-RX1000NB ,PPC7457RX1000NB Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Advance InformationMPC7457RXNXPNSRev. 2, 10/2003MPC7457 Pa ..
MC74A5-33SNTR ,Serial Digital Temperature Sensor3MC74DETAILED OPERATING DESCRIPTIONMC74 Serial Bus ConventionsThe MC74 acquires and converts temper ..
MC74A5-50T ,Serial Digital Temperature SensorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 3.3 V or 5.0V , –40°C ≤ T ≤ 125°C, unless otherwise noted.)DD ASymb ..
MC74AC00 ,QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATEMAXIMUM RATINGS*Symbol Parameter Value UnitV DC Supply Voltage (Referenced to GND) –0.5 to +7.0 VCC ..
MC74AC00 ,QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATE * * *QUAD 2-INPUTNAND GATE• Outputs Source/Sink 24 mA• ′ACT00 Has TTL Compatible InputsVCC14 13 12 ..
MC74AC00D ,QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATEMAXIMUM RATINGS*Symbol Parameter Value UnitV DC Supply Voltage (Referenced to GND) –0.5 to +7.0 VCC ..
MCM6706BJ10 ,32K x 8 Bit Static Random Access MemoryBLOCK DIAGRAMAA8 21A E9 20AA DQ10 19ADQ DQ1118ADQ DQ12 17MEMORY MATRIXAROWDQ DQ(256 ROWS 13 16DECOD ..
MCM6706BJ8 ,32K x 8 Bit Static Random Access MemoryMAXIMUM RATINGS (See Note)This device contains circuitry to protect theRating Symbol Value Unitinpu ..
MCM6706BRJ6 ,32K x 8 Bit Static Random Access MemoryMAXIMUM RATINGS (See Note)This device contains circuitry to protect theRating Symbol Value Unitinpu ..
MCM6706BRJ6 ,32K x 8 Bit Static Random Access MemoryBLOCK DIAGRAM V V9SS CC24A DQ DQ1023VCCA DQ DQ1122VSSW AA12 21AA A13 20MEMORYROWMATRIX AA A 1419DEC ..
MCM6706BRJ7 ,32K x 8 bit static random access memoryBLOCK DIAGRAM V V9SS CC24A DQ DQ1023VCCA DQ DQ1122VSSW AA12 21AA A13 20MEMORYROWMATRIX AA A 1419DEC ..
MCM6709AJ10 ,64K x 4 Bit Static RAMMAXIMUM RATINGS (See Note)This device contains circuitry to protect theRating Symbol Value Unitinpu ..
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Advance InformationMPC7457RXNXPNSRev. 2, 10/2003MPC7457 Part Number Specification for the MPC74x7RXnnnnNx SeriesMotorola Part This document describes part-number-specific changes to recommended operating conditionsNumbers Affected: and revised electrical specifications, as applicable, from those described in the generalMPC7457 RISC Microprocessor Hardware Specifications (Order No. MPC7457EC). ThePPC7457RX1000NBMPC7457 and MPC7447 are implementations of the PowerPC™ microprocessor family ofPPC7457RX867NBreduced instruction set computer (RISC) microprocessors. PPC7457RX733NBPPC7457RX600NBSpecifications provided in this document supersede those in the MPC7457 RISCPPC7447RX1000NBMicroprocessor Hardware Specifications, Rev. 2 or later, for the part numbers listed inPPC7447RX867NBTable A only. This document is primarily concerned with the MPC7457; however, unlessMC7447RX1000NBotherwise noted, all information herein also applies to the MPC7447 part numbers listed inMC7447RX867NBTable A. Specifications not addressed herein are unchanged. Because this document isMC7447RX733NBfrequently updated, refer to http://www.motorola.com/semiconductors or to your MotorolaMC7447RX600NBsales office for the latest version.Note that headings and table numbers in this document are not consecutively numbered. Theyare intended to correspond to the heading or table affected in the general hardwarespecification. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Part numbers addressed in this document are listed in Table A.Table A. Part Numbers Addressed by this Data Sheet Operating ConditionsMotorola Significant Differences fromCPUPart Number T Hardware SpecificationjFrequency VDD(°C)(MHz)PPC7457RX1000NB 1000 1.1 V ± 50 mV 0 to 105 Modified core frequency and voltage to reduce power consumption, modified processor bus AC PPC7447RX1000NBtiming.MC7447RX1000NBPPC7457RX867NB 867PPC7447RX867NBMC7447RX867NBPPC7457RX733NB 733MC7447RX733NBPPC7457RX600NB 600MC7447RX600NBNote: The P prefix in a Motorola part number designates a “Pilot Production Prototype” as defined by Motorola SOP 3-13. These parts have only preliminary reliability and characterization data. Before pilot production prototypes may be shipped, written authorization from the customer must be on file in the applicable sales office acknowledging the qualification status and the fact that product changes may still occur while shipping pilot production prototypes.2 MPC7457 Part Number Specification for the MPC74x7RXnnnnNx Series MOTOROLA For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.