MC68HC000CFN16 ,Microprocessor, sixteen 32-bit data and address registers, 16-Mbyte direct addressing range, memory-mapped input/output (I/O), 14 addressing modes, 16MHzfeatures:• MC68HC001/MC68EC000/MC68SEC000— Statically selectable 8- or 16-bit data bus• MC68HC000/M ..
MC68HC000CFN16 ,Microprocessor, sixteen 32-bit data and address registers, 16-Mbyte direct addressing range, memory-mapped input/output (I/O), 14 addressing modes, 16MHzfeatures: • Sixteen 32-Bit Data and Address Registers• 16-Mbyte Direct Addressing Range• Program Co ..
MC68HC000CFN8 ,Microprocessor, sixteen 32-bit data and address registers, 16-Mbyte direct addressing range, memory-mapped input/output (I/O), 14 addressing modes, 8MHz Order this document by M68000UMAD/ADCommunications and AdvancedConsumer Technologi ..
MC68HC000CFN8 ,Microprocessor, sixteen 32-bit data and address registers, 16-Mbyte direct addressing range, memory-mapped input/output (I/O), 14 addressing modes, 8MHzfeatures:• MC68HC001/MC68EC000/MC68SEC000— Statically selectable 8- or 16-bit data bus• MC68HC000/M ..
MC68HC000EI20 , 8-/16-/32-Bit Microprocessors User’s Manual
MC68HC000EI20 , 8-/16-/32-Bit Microprocessors User’s Manual
MC9S12GC16CPB , Microcontrollers
MC9S12GC32CFA , Microcontrollers
MC9S12H256VFVE , Original Release Date: 29 SEP 2000 Revised: 28 JUL 2008
MC9S12HZ128VAL , MC9S12HZ256 Data Sheet, Rev. 2.05
MC9S12KG128CFU , HCS12 Microcontrollers
MC9S12KG256MPV , Microcontrollers
Microprocessor, sixteen 32-bit data and address registers, 16-Mbyte direct addressing range, memory-mapped input/output (I/O), 14 addressing modes, 10MHz
August 7, 1997This addendum to the
M68000UM/AD User’s Manual
, Revision 8, provides corrections to the original text as
well as additional information. This document and other information on this product is maintained on the World
Wide Web at http://www.motorola.com/68000.
OVERVIEWThis manual includes hardware details and programming information for the MC68HC000, the MC68HC001,
the MC68EC000, and the MC68SEC000. For ease of reading, the name M68000 MPUs will be used when
referring to all processors. Refer to M68000PM/AD,
M68000 Programmer's Reference Manual
, for detailed
information on the MC68000 instruction set.
The four microprocessors are very similar to each other and all contain the following features: Sixteen 32-Bit Data and Address Registers 16-Mbyte Direct Addressing Range Program Counter 6 Instruction Types Operations on Five Main Data Types Memory-Mapped Input/Output (I/O) 14 Addressing Modes
The following processors contain additional features: MC68HC001/MC68EC000/MC68SEC000 Statically selectable 8- or 16-bit data bus MC68HC000/MC68EC000/MC68HC001/MC68SEC000 Low power