MC44130P ,System 4 Stereotone Single Chip TV Sound ControlFEATURES: ttN.28. Part of Motorola System 4. 1- Fully controlled through IIC Bus.q Accepts base ban ..
MC44144 ,SUBCARRIER PHASE-LOCKED LOOPELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 5.0 Vdc, T = 25°C)CC ACharacteristic Pin Min Typ Max UnitOperating ..
MC44144 ,SUBCARRIER PHASE-LOCKED LOOPFunctional Description text.Figure 1. Typical VCXO Gain14.322 17.745KOPALTable 1. Crystal Specifica ..
MC44144 ,SUBCARRIER PHASE-LOCKED LOOPMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value UnitSupply Voltage V 6.0 VdcCCOperating Ambient Temperature T 0 ..
MC44144D ,SUBCARRIER PHASE-LOCKED LOOPFunctional Description text.Figure 1. Typical VCXO Gain14.322 17.745KOPALTable 1. Crystal Specifica ..
MC44144P ,SUBCARRIER PHASE-LOCKED LOOPOrder this document by MC44144/D** *The MC44144 is a gated phase–locked loop intended for, but not ..
MC7809CT ,3-Terminal 1A Positive Voltage RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 10 V, I = 500 mA, T = T to T (Note 1), unless otherwise noted)in O ..
MC7809CTG ,1A, 9V, Positive Voltage Regulator2MC7800, MC7800A, NCV7805
MC7812 ,1A, 12V, Positive Voltage Regulator
MC7812 ,1A, 12V, Positive Voltage RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 10 V, I = 1.0 A, T = T to T (Note 3), unless otherwise noted)in O J ..
MC7812ABT ,1A, 12V, Positive Voltage Regulatorincluding local, on−card regulation. These regulators employ internalcurrent limiting, thermal shut ..
MC7812ABT ,1A, 12V, Positive Voltage RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 10 V, I = 500 mA, T = T to T (Note 1), unless otherwise noted)in O ..
System 4 Stereotone Single Chip TV Sound Control