MC3456P ,Dual Timing CircuitOrder this document by MC3456/D* *The MC3456 dual timing circuit is a highly stable controller cap ..
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Dual Timing Circuit
Order this document by MC3456/D -
The MC3456 dual timing circuit is a highly stable controller capable of
producing accurate time delays, or oscillation. Additional terminals are
provided for triggering or resetting if desired. In the time delay mode of
operation, the time is precisely controlled by one external resistor and
capacitor per timer. For astable operation as an oscillator, the free running
frequency and the duty cycle are both accurately controlled with two external
resistors and one capacitor per timer. The circuit may be triggered and reset
on falling waveforms, and the output structure can source or sink up to
200 mA or drive MTTL circuits. Direct Replacement for NE556/SE556 Timers Timing from Microseconds through Hours Operates in Both Astable and Monostable Modes Adjustable Duty Cycle High Current Output can Source or Sink 200 mA Output can Drive MTTL Temperature Stability of 0.005% per °C Normally “On” or Normally “Off” Output Dual Version of the Popular MC1455 Timer