MC3358P1 ,Dual, Low Power Operational AmplifierOrder this document by MC3458/D** ** ** *DUAL DIFFERENTIALUtilizing the circuit designs perfected ..
MC3359 ,HIGH GAIN LOW POWER FM IFOrder this document by MC3359/D ** * ** **...includes oscillator, mixer, limiting amplifier, AFC, ..
MC33591 ,MC33591 PLL Tuned UHF Receiver for Data Transfer Applicationsblock diagramTable 1: Ordering InformationRF frequency/ AmbiantDevice PackageIF filter bandwidth Te ..
MC33591FTA ,PLL Tuned UHF Receiver for Data Transfer ApplicationsFEATURES• 315MHz, 434MHz BandsPin Connections• OOK and FSK Demodulation• Low Current Consumption: 5 ..
MC33592FTA ,PLL Tuned UHF Receiver for Data Transfer ApplicationsMAXIMUM RATINGSParameter Symbol Value UnitV CCV - 0.3 to 5.5Supply Voltage VGND VCCLNAV - 0.3GND Vo ..
MC33594FTA ,PLL Tuned UHF Receiver for Data Transfer ApplicationsMAXIMUM RATINGSParameter Symbol Value UnitV CCV - 0.3 to 5.5Supply Voltage VGND VCCLNAV - 0.3GND Vo ..
MC74HC534AN ,Octal 3-State Inverting D Flip-Flop
MC74HC540 ,Octal 3-State Inverting Buffer/Line Driver/Line ReceiverLOGIC DIAGRAM InputsOutput YOE1 OE2 A2 18A1 Y1 L L L HL L H L3 17A2 Y2 H X X ZX H X Z4 16A3 Y3Z = H ..
MC74HC540A ,Octal 3-State Inverter Buffer/Line Driver/Line Receiverhttp://onsemi.cominputs are compatible with Standard CMOS outputs. External pull–upresistors make t ..
MC74HC540A ,Octal 3-State Inverter Buffer/Line Driver/Line Receiverhttp://onsemi.com2MC74HC540A
MC74HC540ADTR2 ,Octal 3-State Inverter Buffer/Line Driver/Line Receiverhttp://onsemi.com3MC74HC540ADC CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to GND)Guaranteed LimitV VCC CC ..
MC74HC540ADWR2 ,Octal 3-State Inverter Buffer/Line Driver/Line ReceiverMAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1.)Symbol Parameter Value UnitV DC Supply Voltage 0.5 to 7.0 VCCV DC Input ..
Order this document by MC3357/D -
. . . includes Oscillator, Mixer, Limiting Amplifier, Quadrature Discriminator,
Active Filter, Squelch, Scan Control, and Mute Switch. The MC3357 is
designed for use in FM dual conversion communications equipment. Low Drain Current (3.0 mA (Typical) @ VCC = 6.0 Vdc) Excellent Sensitivity: Input Limiting Voltage –
(– 3.0 dB) = 5.0 μV (Typical) Low Number of External Parts Required Recommend MC3372 for Replacement/Upgrade