MC3356DW ,WIDEBAND FSK RECEIVEROrder this document by MC3356/D** **The MC3356 includes Oscillator, Mixer, Limiting IF Amplifier, ..
MC3356P ,GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTOR ARRAYOrder this document by MC3346/D* * ** * **GENERAL PURPOSE** * TRANSISTOR ARRAYThe MC3346 is des ..
MC3357D ,LOW POWER FM IFMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C, unless otherwise noted)ARating Pin Symbol Value UnitPower Supply Voltage ..
MC3357P ,LOW POWER FM IFOrder this document by MC3357/D ** * ** **. . . includes Oscillator, Mixer, Limiting Amplifier, Qu ..
MC3358P1 ,Dual, Low Power Operational AmplifierOrder this document by MC3458/D** ** ** *DUAL DIFFERENTIALUtilizing the circuit designs perfected ..
MC3359 ,HIGH GAIN LOW POWER FM IFOrder this document by MC3359/D ** * ** **...includes oscillator, mixer, limiting amplifier, AFC, ..
MC74HC4852ADTR2 ,Analog Multiplexers/Demultiplexers with Injection Current Effect ControlMaximum Ratings areÎÎexceeded.ÎÎÎÎDC CHARACTERISTICS — Digital Section (Voltages Referenced to GND) ..
MC74HC4852ADTR2G , Analog Multiplexers/Demultiplexers with Injection Current Effect Control
MC74HC51 ,2-Wide, 2-Input/2-Wide, 3-Input AND-NOR GatesLOGIC DIAGRAMA2 2 13 C11B2 3 12B1A112C2 4 11 F1B113D2 5 10 E1C18Y19Y2 6 9 D1D1Y1 = (A1•B1•C1) + (D1 ..
MC74HC534AN ,Octal 3-State Inverting D Flip-Flop
MC74HC540 ,Octal 3-State Inverting Buffer/Line Driver/Line ReceiverLOGIC DIAGRAM InputsOutput YOE1 OE2 A2 18A1 Y1 L L L HL L H L3 17A2 Y2 H X X ZX H X Z4 16A3 Y3Z = H ..
Order this document by MC3356/D -
The MC3356 includes Oscillator, Mixer, Limiting IF Amplifier, Quadrature
Detector, Audio Buffer, Squelch, Meter Drive, Squelch Status output, and
Data Shaper comparator. The MC3356 is designed for use in digital data
communciations equipment. Data Rates up to 500 kilobaud Excellent Sensitivity: – 3 dB Limiting Sensitivity
Excellent Sensitivity: 30 μVrms @ 100 MHz Highly Versatile, Full Function Device, yet Few External Parts are
Required Down Converter Can be Used Independently — Similar to NE602