TL431 ,Adjustable Precision Shunt RegulatorsElectrical Characteristics, TL431BQ, TL432BQ.... 13 14 Mechanical, Packaging, and OrderableInformat ..
TL431 ,Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulatorsfeatures to minimize drain-to-gatecapacitance, which is the prime determinant of switchingVcc-___v_ ..
TL431 ,Adjustable Precision Shunt RegulatorsMaximum Ratings.. 410.2 Typical Applications. 217.2 ESD Ratings........ 410.3 System Examples.... 2 ..
TL431 ,Adjustable Precision Shunt RegulatorsOrder this document by TL431/D ** ** ** *The TL431, A, B integrated circuits are three–terminal pr ..
TL431 ,Adjustable Precision Shunt RegulatorsBlock Diagram... 194 Simplified Schematic 19.3 Feature Description.... 205 Revision History........ ..
TL431 ,Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulators
TLV431BIDBVRG4 ,Low-Voltage Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulator 5-SOT-23 -40 to 85 SLVS139W–JULY 1996–REVISED MARCH 20185 Pin Configuration and FunctionsD(SOIC)PACKAGE DBV(SOT-23-5) ..
TLV431BIDBZR ,Low-Voltage Adjustable Precision Shunt RegulatorFeatures... 18.4 Device Functional Modes.... 182 Applications..... 19 Applications and Implementati ..
TLV431BIDBZR ,Low-Voltage Adjustable Precision Shunt RegulatorFeatures 3 DescriptionThe TLV431 device is a low-voltage 3-terminal1• Low-Voltage Operation, V = 1. ..
TLV431BIDBZT ,Low-Voltage Adjustable Precision Shunt RegulatorMaximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNIT(2) ..
TLV431BIDCKR ,LOW-VOLTAGE ADJUSTABLE PRECISION SHUNT REGULATORSMaximum Ratings.. 411.1 Layout Guidelines.... 246.2 ESD Ratings........ 411.2 Layout Example....... ..
TLV431BIDCKRE4 ,LOW-VOLTAGE ADJUSTABLE PRECISION SHUNT REGULATORSFeatures 3 DescriptionThe TLV431 device is a low-voltage 3-terminal1• Low-Voltage Operation, V = 1. ..
High Voltage Switching Regulator
Isolated Precision
Regulation of a Single
1.8 Volt Output from a
Universal Line Input
Prepared by: Jason Hansen
ON Semiconductor
INTRODUCTIONThe following Application Note describes an off–line
switching power supply utilizing a precision programmable
reference to regulate a 1.8 volt output. The center of the app
note is the MC33363B, a monolithic SMPS controller with
a 700 volt power switch, and the NCP100, a sub–one volt
precision programmable reference. The system design and
analysis will be described in detail.
The design requirements are for a universal off–line
converter with a 1.8 volt, 1.0 ampere single output with less
than 50 millivolts ripple and operates at 100 kHz. Most of the
components selected are surface mount. This design is
separated into the generic circuit of the off–line converter
and the feedback network.
Generic Off–Line Conversion CircuitTo reduce the total number
minimize circuit board area, an
integrated power switch is selected. With the low output
power requirement, the MC33363B is selected as the control
and power switch IC. The MC33363B contains an externally
programmable frequency and current limit, internal startup
circuit and can handle up to 8 watts of output power.
The basic off–line conversion circuit is illustrated in
Figure 1. The line input is filtered through the EMC circuit
then rectified and filtered. The rectified voltage is converted
to a lower voltage via the transformer and the MC33363B.
The secondary of the transformer is rectified to a DC voltage
and filtered. The output voltage controls the duty cycle of the
switcher via the isolated feedback network. The calculated
values are a starting point and do not replace bench testing.