MC33260 ,GreenLine Compact Power Factor Controller: Innovative Circuit for Cost Effective SolutionsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 13 V, T = 25°C for typical values, T = −40 to 105°C for min/max val ..
MC33260DR2 ,GreenLine Compact Power Factor Controller: Innovative Circuit for Cost Effective SolutionsAND8016/DDesign of Power FactorCorrection Circuit UsingGreenline Compact PowerFactor Controller MC ..
MC33260P ,GreenLine Compact Power Factor Controller: Innovative Circuit for Cost Effective SolutionsPrepared byMing Hian ChewAPPLICATION NOTEON Semiconductor Analog Applications EngineeringIntroducti ..
MC33261 ,POWER FACTOR CONTROLLERSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 12 V, for typical values T = 25°C, for min/max values T is the ope ..
MC33261DR2 ,Power Factor ControllerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 12 V, for typical values T = 25°C, for min/max values T is the ope ..
MC33261P ,Power Factor ControllerThermal CharacteristicsP Suffix, Plastic Package Case 626Maximum Power Dissipation @ T = 70°C P 800 ..
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GreenLine Compact Power Factor Controller: Innovative Circuit for Cost Effective Solutions
GreenLine Compact Power Factor Controller:
Innovative Circuit for
Cost Effective Solutions
The MC33260 is a controller for Power Factor Correction
preconverters meeting international standard requirements in
electronic ballast and off−line power conversion applications.
Designed to drive a free frequency discontinuous mode, it can also be
synchronized and in any case, it features very effective protections that
ensure a safe and reliable operation.
This circuit is also optimized to offer extremely compact and cost
effective PFC solutions. While it requires a minimum number of
external components, the MC33260 can control the follower boost
operation that is an innovative mode allowing a drastic size reduction
of both the inductor and the power switch. Ultimately, the solution
system cost is significantly lowered.
Also able to function in a traditional way (constant output voltage
regulation level), any intermediary solutions can be easily
implemented. This flexibility makes it ideal to optimally cope with a
wide range of applications.
General Features Standard Constant Output Voltage or “Follower Boost” Mode Switch Mode Operation: Voltage Mode Latching PWM for Cycle−by−Cycle On−Time Control Constant On−Time Operation That Saves the Use of an Extra Multiplier Totem Pole Output Gate Drive Undervoltage Lockout with Hysteresis Low Start−Up and Operating Current Improved Regulation Block Dynamic Behavior Synchronization Capability Internally Trimmed Reference Current Source Pb−Free Package May be Available. The G−Suffix Denotes a
Pb−Free Lead Finish
Safety Features Overvoltage Protection: Output Overvoltage Detection Undervoltage Protection: Protection Against Open Loop Effective Zero Current Detection Accurate and Adjustable Maximum On−Time Limitation Overcurrent Protection ESD Protection on Each Pin