MC33128 ,POWER MANAGEMENT CONTROLLERELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 4.5 V, C = 33 μF with ESR ≤ 1.6 Ω, C = 4.7 μF with ESR ≤ 4.5 Ω, I = ..
MC33128D ,POWER MANAGEMENT CONTROLLERELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 4.5 V, C = 33 μF with ESR ≤ 1.6 Ω, C = 4.7 μF with ESR ≤ 4.5 Ω, I = ..
MC33128D ,POWER MANAGEMENT CONTROLLERELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 4.5 V, C = 33 μF with ESR ≤ 1.6 Ω, C = 4.7 μF with ESR ≤ 4.5 Ω, I = ..
MC33129D ,HIGH PERFORMANCE CURRENT MODE CONTROLLERSOrder this document by MC34129/D ** * * **HIGH PERFORMANCEThe MC34129/MC33129 are high performance ..
MC33129D ,HIGH PERFORMANCE CURRENT MODE CONTROLLERSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 10 V, T = 25°C [Note 1], unless otherwise noted.)CC ACharacteristi ..
MC33129D ,HIGH PERFORMANCE CURRENT MODE CONTROLLERSThermal CharacteristicsD Suffix, Plastic Package Case 751AMaximum Power Dissipation @ T = 70°C P 55 ..
MC74HC175 ,Quad D Flip-Flop with Common Clock and ResetELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to GND)ÎGuaranteed LimitÎÎÎÎÎÎV V – 55 toC CC CÎÎÎS ..
MC74HC175 ,Quad D Flip-Flop with Common Clock and ResetMaximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.ÎÎÎÎÎFunctional operat ..
MC74HC175A ,Quad D-type Flip-Flop with Common Clock and Reset3MC74HC175ATIMING REQUIREMENTS (Input t = t = 6 ns)r fÎÎÎÎÎÎ Guaranteed LimitÎÎÎÎ VÎÎÎÎÎÎ – 55 toÎÎ ..
MC74HC175ADR2 ,Quad D-type Flip-Flop with Common Clock and ResetMAXIMUM RATINGS*ÎÎÎÎÎÎ Symbol ParameterÎÎÎÎÎ ValueÎÎÎ UnitThis device contains protectioncircuitry ..
MC74HC175AFEL ,Quad D-type Flip-Flop with Common Clock and ResetELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (C = 50 pF, Input t = t = 6 ns)L r fÎÎGuaranteed LimitÎÎÎÎÎÎV– 55 toCCVS ..
MC74HC175AFL1 ,Quad D Flip-Flop with Common Clock and ResetELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (C = 50 pF, Input t = t = 6 ns)L r fÎÎGuaranteed LimitÎÎÎÎÎÎV– 55 toCCVS ..
ORDERING INFORMATIONThe MC33128 is a power management controller specifically designed for
use in battery powered cellular telephone and pager applications. This
device contains all of the active functions required to interface the user to the
system electronics via a microprocessor. This integrated circuit consists of a
low dropout voltage regulator with power–up reset for MPU power, two low
dropout voltage regulators for independant powering of analog and digital
circuitry, and a negative charge pump voltage regulator for full depletion of
gallium arsenide MESFETs.
Also included are protective system shutdown features consisting of a
battery latch that is activated upon battery insertion, low battery voltage
shutdown, and a thermal over temperature detector. This device is available
in a 16–pin narrow body surface mount plastic package. Three Positive Regulated Outputs Featuring Low Dropout Voltage Negative Regulated Output for Full Depletion of GaAs MESFETs MPU Power Up Reset Battery Latch Low Battery Shutdown Pinned–Out Reference for MPU A/D Converter Low Start–Up and Operating Current Thermal Protection