MC33091AP ,HIGH-SIDE TMOS DRIVEROrder this document by MC33091A/D** * The MC33091A is a High–Side TMOS Driver designed for use in h ..
MC33092ADW ,ALTERNATOR VOLTAGE REGULATORBlock Diagram Lamp Collector Source3 18FB UV V V1V 3V *ref CC CC Gateref Lamp Base 4 171 19 20 8 14 ..
MC33092ADW ,ALTERNATOR VOLTAGE REGULATOROrder this document by MC33092A/D * The MC33092A is specifically designed for voltage regulation a ..
MC33092DW ,ALTERNATOR VOLTAGE REGULATORBlock Diagram Lamp Collector Source3 18FB UV V V1V 3V *ref CC CC Gateref Lamp Base 4 171 19 20 8 14 ..
MC33092DW ,ALTERNATOR VOLTAGE REGULATOROrder this document by MC33092/D** * The MC33092 is specifically designed for voltage regulation a ..
MC33095 ,INTEGRAL ALTERNATOR REGULATORELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Limit values are given for –40°C ≤ T ≤ 150°C (Flip–Chip), –40°C ≤ T ≤ ..
MC74HC165ADTR2 ,8-Bit Serial or Parallel-Input/Serial Output Shift RegisterELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (C = 50 pF, Input t = t = 6 ns)L r fÎÎGuaranteed LimitÎÎÎÎÎΖ 55 toVCCÎÎ ..
MC74HC165ADTR2 ,8-Bit Serial or Parallel-Input/Serial Output Shift RegisterThe MC74HC165A is identical in pinout to the LS165. The deviceinputs are compatible with standard C ..
MC74HC165AFL1 ,8-Bit Serial or Parallel-Input/Serial-Output Shift RegisterELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (C = 50 pF, Input t = t = 6 ns)L r fÎÎGuaranteed LimitÎÎÎÎÎÎV – 55 toCCÎ ..
MC74HC165AN ,8-Bit Serial or Parallel-Input/Serial-Output Shift Register
MC74HC165AN ,8-Bit Serial or Parallel-Input/Serial-Output Shift Register
Order this document by MC33091A/D -
The MC33091A is a High–Side TMOS Driver designed for use in harsh
automotive switching applications requiring the capability of handling high
voltages attributed to load and field dump transients, as well as reverse and
double battery conditions. Few external components are required to drive a
wide variety of N–Channel TMOS devices. The MC33091A, driving an
appropriate TMOS device, offers economical system solutions for high–side
switching large currents. The MC33091A has CMOS compatible input
control, charge pump to drive the TMOS power transistor, basic fault
detection circuit, VDS monitoring circuit used to detect a shorted TMOS load,
and overcurrent protection timer with associated current squaring circuitry.
Short circuit protection is made possible by having a unique VDS voltage
to current converter drive an externally programmable integrator circuit. This
circuit affords fast detection of a shorted load while allowing difficult loads,
such as lamps having high in–rush currents, additional time to turn on.
The Fault output is comprised of an open collector NPN transistor
requiring a single pull–up resistor for operation. A fault is reported whenever
the MOSFET on–current exceeds an externally programmed set level.
The MC33091A is available in the plastic 8–Pin DIP package as well as
the plastic 8–Pin surface mount package. Designed for Automotive High–Side Driver Applications Works with a Wide Variety of N–Channel Power MOSFETs Drives Inductive Loads with No External Clamp Circuitry Required CMOS Logic Compatible Input Control On–Board Charge Pump with No External Components Required Shorted Load Detection and Protection Forward Overvoltage and Reverse Battery Protection Load and Field Dump Protection Extended Operating Temperature Range Fault Output to Report a MOSFET Overcurrent Condition