MC3303P ,QUAD DIFFERENTIAL INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERSOrder this document by MC3403/D* ** ** *The MC3403 is a low cost, quad operational amplifier with ..
MC3303PT ,LOW POWER QUAD BIPOLAR OP-AMPSapplications. The quadamplifier can operate at supply voltage as low as 3Volts or as high as 36 vol ..
MC3303PW ,Quadruple Low-Power Operational Amplifiermaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)Supply voltage (s ..
MC3303PWR ,Quadruple Low-Power Operational Amplifiermaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
MC33060AD ,Fixed Frequency, PWM, Voltage Mode Single Ended ControllerMAXIMUM RATINGS (Full operating ambient temperature range applies, unless otherwisenoted.)Rating Sy ..
MC33060AD ,Fixed Frequency, PWM, Voltage Mode Single Ended ControllerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 15 V, C = 0.01 μF, R = 12 kΩ, unless otherwise noted. For typical v ..
MC74HC138AFEL ,1-of-8 Decoder/Demultiplexerfeatures three Chip Select inputs, twoDIAGRAMSactive–low and one active–high to facilitate the demu ..
MC74HC138AFL1 ,1-of-8 Decoder/DemultiplexerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to GND)ÎÎÎGuaranteed LimitÎV–55* C toCCVSymbol Para ..
MC74HC138AFL2 ,1-of-8 Decoder/Demultiplexerfeatures three Chip Select inputs, twoDIAGRAMSactive–low and one active–high to facilitate the demu ..
MC74HC138AFR1 ,1-of-8 Decoder/DemultiplexerMaximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.ÎÎÎÎÎFunctional operat ..
MC74HC138AFR2 ,1-of-8 Decoder/DemultiplexerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to GND)Guaranteed LimitÎÎÎV V –55* C toCC CCÎSymbol ..
MC74HC138AN ,1-of-8 Decoder/DemultiplexerMAXIMUM RATINGS*Symbol Parameter Value UnitThis device contains protectioncircuitry to guard agains ..
Order this document by MC3403/D -
The MC3403 is a low cost, quad operational amplifier with true differential
inputs. The device has electrical characteristics similar to the popular
MC1741C. However, the MC3403 has several distinct advantages over
standard operational amplifier types in single supply applications. The quad
amplifier can operate at supply voltages as low as 3.0 V or as high as 36 V
with quiescent currents about one third of those associated with the
MC1741C (on a per amplifier basis). The common mode input range
includes the negative supply, thereby eliminating the necessity for external
biasing components in many applications. The output voltage range also
includes the negative power supply voltage. Short Circuit Protected Outputs Class AB Output Stage for Minimal Crossover Distortion True Differential Input Stage Single Supply Operation: 3.0 V to 36 V Split Supply Operation: ±1.5 V to ±18 V Low Input Bias Currents: 500 nA Max Four Amplifiers Per Package Internally Compensated Similar Performance to Popular MC1741C Industry Standard Pinouts ESD Diodes Added for Increased Ruggedness
NOTES: 1.Split power supplies.