MC146823P ,High-Density High-Performance Silicon-Gate(PARALLEL INTERFACE)Features include:P SUFFIXPLASTIC PACKAGECASE 711O 24 Individually Programmed l/O PinsMOTEL Circuit ..
MC1469R ,Specifications and Applications InformationThermal CharacteristicsTA = +25OC PD 0.68 3.0 WattsDerate above TA = +25°C 1/0JA 5.44 24 mW/°CTherm ..
MC1472P1 ,DUAL PERIPHERAL-HIGH-VOLTAGE POSITIVE NAND DRIVERWuan-eDem.rw- Mot rmM w "tte Cqutmrmith lbw, puma)wuwu ovum clam mom" Me Iu-m-w Anus!-:m "N cum: MI ..
MC1488 ,QUAD MDTL LINE DRIVER EIA-232DMaximum ratings are those values beyond which device damage can occur.
MC1488D ,Quad Line EIA-232D DriverOrder this document by MC1488/D* * The MC1488 is a monolithic quad line driver designed to interfac ..
MC74ACT240DWR2 ,Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-State OutputsMC74AC240, MC74ACT240Octal Buffer/Line Driverwith 3-State OutputsThe MC74AC240/74ACT240 is an octal ..
MC74ACT240DWR2 ,Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-State Outputs2MC74AC240, MC74ACT240DC CHARACTERISTICS74AC 74ACVCCSymbol y Parameter T = +25°C T =−40°C to +85°C ..
MC74ACT240N ,Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-State OutputsMAXIMUM RATINGS*Symbol Parameter Value UnitV DC Supply Voltage (Referenced to GND) –0.5 to +7.0 VCC ..
MC74ACT241DWR2 ,Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-State OutputsMAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1)Symbol Parameter Value UnitV DC Supply Voltage 0.5 to 7.0 VCCV DC Input V ..
MC74ACT241N ,Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3 State OutputsMAXIMUM RATINGS*Symbol Parameter Value UnitV DC Supply Voltage (Referenced to GND) –0.5 to +7.0 VCC ..
MC74ACT241N ,Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3 State Outputs* ** ** OCTAL BUFFER/LINEDRIVER WITH* * ** *3-STATE OUTPUTSThe MC74AC241/74ACT241 is an octal buf ..
High-Density High-Performance Silicon-Gate(PARALLEL INTERFACE)
Features include:P SUFFIXPLASTIC PACKAGECASE 711O 24 Individually Programmed l/O PinsMOTEL Circuit for Bus Compatibility with Many Microprocessors a S SUFFIXMultiplexed Bus Compatibility with: MC146805E2, MC6801, MC6803, ‘ CEREfSF’EA7g'ZAGEand Competitive MicroprocessorsData Direction Registers for Ports A, B, and CFour Port C l/O Pins May Be Used as Controi Lines for: Z SUFFIX. CHIP CARRIERFour Interrupt Inputs CASE 761Input Byte LatchOutput PulseHandshake Activity15 Registers Addressed as Memory LocationsHandshake Control Logic for Input and Output Peripheral OperationInterrupt Output PinReset input to Clear Interrupts and Initialize Internal Registers3.0 Volt to 5.5 Volt Operating VDDORDERING INFORMATION(TA=O°C to +70°C)w Order NumberPlastic — P SuffixCeramic (Side Brazed) — L Suffix MC1 23LCerdip — S Suffix MC146823SChip Carrier — Z Suffix MC‘I468232Pin assignments are the same for both the duaI-in-line and chip carrier package.This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein MOTOROLA INC, 1984 ADI'985‘R1are subject to change without notice.