MC146818A ,REAL-TIME CLOCK PLUS RAM(RTC)features: a complete time-of-day clock withalarm and one hundred year calendar, a programmable peri ..
MC146818AP ,REAL-TIME CLOCK PLUS RAM(RTC)THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS unused inputs are tied to an appropriate logicvoltage level (e. g., either ..
MC146818AP. ,REAL-TIME CLOCK PLUS RAM(RTC)features: a complete time-of-day clock withalarm and one hundred year calendar, a programmable peri ..
MC146823FN ,V(dd): -0.3 to +8.0V; V(in): -0.5 to +0.5V; 10mA; CMOS parallel interfaceMOTOROLA" SEMICONDUCTOR -il-lllll-lllll-lllIll-TECHNICAL DATAMC146823Advance InformationCMOS Parall ..
MC146823FN ,V(dd): -0.3 to +8.0V; V(in): -0.5 to +0.5V; 10mA; CMOS parallel interfaceFeatures Include:o 24mdividually Programmed l O Prns. MOTEL Circuit for Bus Compatibility with Many ..
MC146823P ,High-Density High-Performance Silicon-Gate(PARALLEL INTERFACE)Features include:P SUFFIXPLASTIC PACKAGECASE 711O 24 Individually Programmed l/O PinsMOTEL Circuit ..
MC74ACT157N ,QUAD 2-INPUT MULTIPLEXERLOGIC DIAGRAMI I I I I I I I E S0a 1a 0b 1b 0c 1c 0d 1dZ Z Z Za b c dPlease note that this diagram ..
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MC74ACT161D ,Presetable Binary Counter**SYNCHRONOUS** **PRESETTABLE * BINARY COUNTERThe MC74AC161/74ACT161 and MC74AC163/74ACT163 are hi ..
MC74ACT161DR2 ,Presetable Binary Counterhttp://onsemi.com3MC74AC161, MC74ACT161, MC74AC163, MC74ACT163RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSSymbo ..
MC74ACT161DR2 ,Presetable Binary CounterMAXIMUM RATINGS*Symbol Parameter Value UnitV DC Supply Voltage (Referenced to GND) –0.5 to +7.0 VCC ..
MC74ACT161MEL ,Presetable Binary CounterMAXIMUM RATINGS*Symbol Parameter Value UnitV DC Supply Voltage (Referenced to GND) –0.5 to +7.0 VCC ..
features: a complete time-of-day clock withalarm and one hundred year calendar, a programmable periodic inter-rupt and square-wave generator, and 50 bytes of low-power staticRAM. The MC146818A uses high-speed CMOS technology to interfacewith 1 MHz processor buses, while consuming very little power.The Real-Time Clock plus RAM has two distinct uses. First, it isdesigned as a battery powered CMOS part (in an otherwise NMOS/TTLsystem) including all the common battery backed-up functions such asRAM, time, and calendar. Secondly, the MC146818A maybe used witha CMOS microprocessor to relieve the software of the timekeeping ,~~workload and to extend the available RAM of an MPU such as the ., “’~:$,!!:\’;.\,i,. ,..MC146805E2......~\}t,.,.>*t!F\+ {k● Low-Power, High-Speed CMOS,1, $s,,..~;, ~p~$$~.)>.● Internal Time Base and Oscillator‘,& Q.%~!**>sq,.,,\ ,$4:*,$+.~:;;, . ..~.O Counts Seconds, Minutes, and Hours of the Day“’t:>?,.● Counts Days of the Week, Date, Month, and Year ,$:;<4 ,● 3 V to 6 V Operation ..!.*:,:~t.k ,$,.,● Time Base Input Options: 4.194304 MHz, 1.048ti ~~z, or 32.7W,, ,,,,M, ,)$ f,<..%.- ...*<.*$,,$\ \.,kHz,,:,,. ..i,;t~● Time Base Oscillator for Parallel Resonan~$$~{S]s.~;\l.. .● 40 to 200 pW Typical Operating Power{,~L:~#~ ‘Frequency Time Baseu“● 4.0 to 20 mW Typical Operating Po.~%j~*$?gh Frequency Time Base CASE 623I,~$.~,,,● Binary or BCD Representation ~fTW~ Calendar, and Alarm● 12- or 24-Hour Clock with A~$oQ$PM in 12-Hour Mode,$$,> :,., .$k, ..?.l ,{+<,● Daylight Savings Time OplWn ‘$*;* $*,,$$● Automatic End of Mo~:~’’~$e6gnition● Automatic Leap Y~r ~&&~ensationPIN ASSIGNMENT● Microprocessor#$@t@mpatible~‘.$$*$● Selectable Ba$W&n’Wotorola and Competitor Bus Timing, -~.,y, }$~*● Multiplex@:~@ fbr Pin Efficiency‘oT ~vDD~’.,-,,Oscl [ 2● lnterfq&$&%@% Software as 64 RAM Locations 23 ] SQW● 14 B~es:$’~CIOck and Control Registers0SC2 [ 3 22 ] Ps,,*J● ~’~~~~$i’of General Purpose RAMADO [ 4....~. 21 JCKOUT@x;.$J&%ws Bit indicates Data IntegrityAD1 [ 520 ] CKFS?{&us Compatible Interrupt Signals (~Q)..AD2 [ 6lg ] l~Q● Three Interrupts are Separately Software Maskable and TestableTime-of-Day Alarm, Once-per-Second to Once-per-DayAD3 [ 7 18 ] RESETPeriodic Rates from 30.5 ps to 500 ms17 ] DSAD4 [ 8End-of-Clock Update CycleAD5 c g 16 ] STBY● Programmable Square-Wave Output Signal15 ] Rl~● Clock Output May Be Used as Microprocessor Clock Input AD6 [ 10At Time Base Frequency -1 or +4AD7 [ 11 14 ] AS● 24-Pin Dual-In-Line PackageVss [ 12 13 ]=● Quad Pack Also Available.hls document contains !ntormatlon on a new product. Specltlcatlons and tntormatlon here!n )MOTOROLAINC,, lW ADI-1026are subject to change without noticeFIGURE 1 –