MC14558BCP ,BCD-to-Seven Segment DecoderMaximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.V 8 9 e†Temperature De ..
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MC74AC244DWR2G , Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3−State Outputs
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BCD-to-Seven Segment Decoder
-The MC14558B decodes 4–bit binary coded decimal data dependent on
the state of auxiliary inputs, Enable and RBI, and provides an active–high
seven–segment output for a display driver.
An auxiliary input truth table is shown, in addition to the BCD to
seven–segment truth table, to indicate the functions available with the two
auxiliary inputs.
Leading Zero blanking is easily obtained with an external flip–flop in time
division multiplexed systems displaying most significant decade first. Supply Voltage Range = 3.0 Vdc to 18 Vdc Segment Blanking for All Illegal Input Combinations Lamp Test Function Capability for Suppression of Non–Significant Zeros Lamp Intensity Function Capable of Driving Two Low–power TTL Loads. One Low–power
Schottky TTL Load or Two HTL Loads Over the Rated Temperature
ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.
†Temperature Derating:
Plastic “P and D/DW” Packages: – 7.0 mW/ C From 65 C To 125C
Ceramic “L” Packages: – 12 mW/ C From 100 C To 125C
RBI = Ripple Blanking Input
RBO = Ripple Blanking Output