MC14541 ,Programmable TimerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to V )SSÎÎÎÎΖ 55* C 25* C 125* CVDD(4.)Characteris ..
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MC14541B ,Programmable Oscillator-TimerMaximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limitvalues (not normal operating condi ..
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Programmable Timer
-The MC14541B programmable timer consists of a 16–stage binary
counter, an integrated oscillator for use with an external capacitor and
two resistors, an automatic power–on reset circuit, and output control
Timing is initialized by turning on power, whereupon the power–on
reset is enabled and initializes the counter, within the specified VDD
range. With the power already on, an external reset pulse can be
applied. Upon release of the initial reset command, the oscillator will
oscillate with a frequency determined by the external RC network. The
16–stage counter divides the oscillator frequency (fosc) with the nth
stage frequency being fosc/2n. Available Outputs 28, 210, 213 or 216 Increments on Positive Edge Clock Transitions Built–in Low Power RC Oscillator (± 2% accuracy over temperature
range and ± 20% supply and ± 3% over processing at < 10 kHz) Oscillator May Be Bypassed if External Clock Is Available (Apply
external clock to Pin 3) External Master Reset Totally Independent of Automatic Reset
Operation Operates as 2n Frequency Divider or Single Transition Timer Q/Q Select Provides Output Logic Level Flexibility Reset (auto or master) Disables Oscillator During Resetting to
Provide No Active Power Dissipation Clock Conditioning Circuit Permits Operation with Very Slow Clock
Rise and Fall Times Automatic Reset Initializes All Counters On Power Up Supply Voltage Range = 3.0 Vdc to 18 Vdc with Auto Reset
Supply Voltage Range = Disabled (Pin 5 = VDD)
Supply Voltage Range = 8.5 Vdc to 18 Vdc with Auto Reset
Supply Voltage Range = Enabled (Pin 5 = VSS)
MAXIMUM RATINGS (Voltages Referenced to VSS) (Note 2.) Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device
may occur.