MC14538BFEL ,Dual Precision MonostableMaximum ratings are those values beyond which device damage can occur.YY, Y = Year
MC14538BFEL. ,Dual Precision MonostableMAXIMUM RATINGS (Voltages Referenced to V )SS16Symbol Parameter Value Unit14TSSOP−16V DC Supply Vol ..
MC14538BFL1 ,Dual Precision Retriggerable/Resettable Monostable Multivibrator3MC14538B(6.)ÎÎÎÎÎ SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (C = 50 pF, T = 25* C)L AÎÎÎÎÎ All TypesV VDD DD(7.)V ..
MC14538BFL2 ,Dual Precision Retriggerable/Resettable Monostable MultivibratorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to V )SSÎÎÎÎÎ – 55* C 25* C 125* CVDD(4.)VdcCharact ..
MC14539BCL ,Dual 4-Channel Data Selector/MultiplexerMaximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.X0ÎÎÎ 6†Temperature De ..
MC14539BCL ,Dual 4-Channel Data Selector/MultiplexerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to V )SSÎÎÎÎÎΖ 55* C 25* C 125* CVD DD DVdc VdcCha ..
MC68HCP11A1CFN3 ,HCMOS Single-Chip MicrocontrollerFunctional Description .......5-55.8 SCI Registers ..5-55.8.1 Serial Communications Data Register ( ..
MC68HCP11A1FN ,8-Bit MicrocontrollersFeatures• M68HC11 CPU• Power Saving STOP and WAIT Modes• 8 Kbytes ROM• 512 Bytes of On-Chip EEPROM ..
MC68HCP11A1P ,8-Bit MicrocontrollersFeatures• M68HC11 CPU• Power Saving STOP and WAIT Modes• 8 Kbytes ROM• 512 Bytes of On-Chip EEPROM ..
MC68HCP11A1VFN ,8-Bit MicrocontrollersFeatures• M68HC11 CPU• Power Saving STOP and WAIT Modes• 8 Kbytes ROM• 512 Bytes of On-Chip EEPROM ..
MC68HCP11E1CFNE3 , M68HC11E Family Date Sheet
MC68HCP11E1CFNE3 , M68HC11E Family Date Sheet
Dual Precision Monostable