MC145192F ,Low-Voltage 1.1 GHz PLL Frequency Synthesizerfeatures a single–ended current source/sink phase detector A1output and a double–ended phase detect ..
MC145193F ,1.1 GHZ PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZERfeatures a single–ended current source/sink phase detector Aoutput and a double–ended phase detecto ..
MC14519B ,4-Bit AND/OR Selector or Quad 2-Channel Data Selector or Quad Exclusive NOR GateMAXIMUM RATINGS* (Voltages Referenced to V )SSPIN ASSIGNMENTSymbol Parameter Value UnitV DC Supply ..
MC14519BCL ,4-Bit AND/OR Selector or Quad 2-Channel Data Selector or Quad Exclusive NOR GateMaximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.V 8 9 ASS†Temperature ..
MC14519BCL ,4-Bit AND/OR Selector or Quad 2-Channel Data Selector or Quad Exclusive NOR Gate**SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA# **# ! !L SUFFIX*$** **#* **# !CERAMICCASE 620 ! *$** *&**$"*%* ’ ..
MC14519BCL ,4-Bit AND/OR Selector or Quad 2-Channel Data Selector or Quad Exclusive NOR Gate**SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA# **# ! !L SUFFIX*$** **#* **# !CERAMICCASE 620 ! *$** *&**$"*%* ’ ..
MC68HC908JL3 ,MC68HC908JK1 MC68HC908JL3/HRev. 1.0MC68HC908JK1MC68HRC908JK1MC68HC908JK3MC68HRC908JK3MC68HC908JL3MC68HRC908J ..
MC68HC908JL3CDW ,MC68HC908JK1General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Section 2. Memory . . . . . . . . . . ..
MC68HC908JL3CP ,MC68HC908JK1 MC68HC908JL3/HRev. 1.0MC68HC908JK1MC68HRC908JK1MC68HC908JK3MC68HRC908JK3MC68HC908JL3MC68HRC908J ..
MC68HC908JL3E ,MC68H(R)C908JL3E/ MC68H(R)C908JK3E/ MC68H(R)C908JK1E Technical Data
MC68HC908JL3E ,MC68H(R)C908JL3E/ MC68H(R)C908JK3E/ MC68H(R)C908JK1E Technical Data
MC68HC908JL3ECDW ,Microcontrollers
Low-Voltage 1.1 GHz PLL Frequency Synthesizer
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Includes On–Board 64/65 PrescalerThe MC145192 is a low–voltage single–package synthesizer with serial
interface capable of direct usage up to 1.1 GHz. A special architecture makes
this PLL very easy to program because a byte–oriented format is utilized. Due
to the patented BitGrabber registers, no address/steering bits are required for
random access of the three registers. Thus, tuning can be accomplished via a
3–byte serial transfer to the 24–bit A register. The interface is both SPI and
MICROWIRE compatible.
The device features a single–ended current source/sink phase detector A
output and a double–ended phase detector B output. Both phase detectors
have linear transfer functions (no dead zones). The maximum current of the
single–ended phase detector output is determined by an external resistor tied
from the Rx pin to ground. This current can be varied via the serial port.
The MC145192 phase/frequency detector B φR and φV outputs can be
powered from 2.7 to 5.5 V. This is optimized for 3.0 V systems. The
phase/frequency detector A PDout output must be powered from 4.5 to 5.5 V,
and is optimized for a 5 volt supply.
This part includes a differential RF input which may be operated in a
single–ended mode. Also featured are on–board support of an external crystal
and a programmable reference output. The R, A, and N counters are fully
programmable. The C register (configuration register) allows the part to be
configured to meet various applications. A patented feature allows the C
register to shut off unused outputs, thereby minimizing system noise and
In order to have consistent lock times and prevent erroneous data from being
loaded into the counters, on–board circuitry synchronizes the update of the A
register if the A or N counters are loading. Similarly, an update of the R register
is synchronized if the R counter is loading.
The double–buffered R register allows new divide ratios to be presented to
the three counters (R, A, and N) simultaneously. Maximum Operating Frequency: 1100 MHz @ Vin = 200 mV p–p Operating Supply Current: 6 mA Nominal at 2.7 V Operating Supply Voltage Range (VDD and VCC Pins): 2.7 to 5.0 V Operating Supply Voltage Range of Phase Frequency Detector A
(VPD Pin) = 4.5 to 5.5 V Operating Supply Voltage Range of Phase Detector B (VPD Pin) = 2.7 to 5.5 V Current Source/Sink Phase Detector Output Capability: 2 mA Maximum Gain of Current Source/Sink Phase/Frequency Detector Controllable via Serial Port Operating Temperature Range: – 40° to 85°C R Counter Division Range: (1 and) 5 to 8191 N Counter Division Range: 5 to 4095 A Counter Division Range: 0 to 63 Dual–Modulus Capability Provides Total Division up to 262,143 High–Speed Serial Interface: 2 Megabits per Second Output A Pin, When Configured as Data Out, Permits Cascading of Devices Two General–Purpose Digital Outputs— Output A: Totem–Pole (Push–Pull) with Four Output Modes
Output B: Open–Drain Power–Saving Standby Feature with Patented Orderly Recovery for Minimizing Lock Times,
Standby Current: 30 μA Evaluation Kit Available (Part Number MC145192EVK) See Application Note AN1253/D for Low–Pass Filter Design, and
AN1277/D for Offset Reference PLLs for Fine Resolution or Fast Hopping
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