MC145162D ,60 MHz and 85 MHz Universal Programmable Dual PLL Frequency Synthesizersfeatures fully programmable receive, transmit, reference, andauxiliary reference counters accessed ..
MC145162D1 ,60 MHz and 85 MHz Universal Programmable Dual PLL Frequency SynthesizersMaximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.or V ). Unused outputs ..
MC145162D1 ,60 MHz and 85 MHz Universal Programmable Dual PLL Frequency SynthesizersBLOCK DIAGRAMAfR17 12–BIT PROGRAMMABLE B* 4OSCinREFERENCE COUNTERC* 25fR2D14–BIT PROGRAMMABLE8AUXIL ..
MC145162P ,60 MHz and 85 MHz Universal Programmable Dual PLL Frequency SynthesizersMAXIMUM RATINGS* (Voltages Referenced to V )SSThis device contains protection circuitry toSymbol Ra ..
MC145162P1 ,60 MHz and 85 MHz Universal Programmable Dual PLL Frequency SynthesizersMaximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.or V ). Unused outputs ..
MC145166 ,Dual PLLs for 46/49 MHz Cordless Telephonesfeatures include a lock detect circuit for the transmit loop, illegal codedefault, and a 5 kHz tone ..
MC68HC908GT16CB ,MicrocontrollersMC68HC908GT16MC68HC908GT8Technical DataM68HC08MicrocontrollersMC68HC908GT16/DRev. 2, 6/2002WWW.MOTO ..
MC68HC908GT16CFB ,MicrocontrollersMC68HC908GT16MC68HC908GT8Technical DataM68HC08MicrocontrollersMC68HC908GT16/DRev. 2, 6/2002WWW.MOTO ..
MC68HC908GT8CB ,MicrocontrollersMC68HC908GT16MC68HC908GT8Technical DataM68HC08MicrocontrollersMC68HC908GT16/DRev. 2, 6/2002WWW.MOTO ..
MC68HC908GT8CFB ,MicrocontrollersMC68HC908GT16MC68HC908GT8Technical DataM68HC08MicrocontrollersMC68HC908GT16/DRev. 2, 6/2002WWW.MOTO ..
MC68HC908GT8CFB ,MicrocontrollersMC68HC908GT16MC68HC908GT8Technical DataM68HC08MicrocontrollersMC68HC908GT16/DRev. 2, 6/2002WWW.MOTO ..
MC68HC908GZ8CFJ ,Microcontrollers
60 MHz and 85 MHz Universal Programmable Dual PLL Frequency Synthesizers
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CMOSThe MC145162 is a dual phase–locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer
especially designed for CT–1 cordless phone applications worldwide. This
frequency synthesizer is also for any product with a frequency operation at MHz or below.
The MC145162–1 is a high frequency derivative of the MC145162, for
products with operating frequencies of 85 MHz or below.
The device features fully programmable receive, transmit, reference, and
auxiliary reference counters accessed through an MCU serial interface. This
feature allows this device to operate in any CT–1 cordless phone application.
The device consists of two independent phase detectors for transmit and
receive loops. A common reference oscillator, driving two independent
reference frequency counters, provides independent reference frequencies for
transmit and receive loops. The auxiliary reference counter allows the user to
select an additional reference frequency for receive and transmit loops if
required. Operating Voltage Range: 2.5 to 5.5 V Operating Temperature Range: – 40 to + 75°C Operating Power Consumption: 3.0 mA @ 2.5 V Maximum Operating Frequency:
MC145162 — 60 MHz @ 200 mV p–p, VDD = 2.5 V
MC145162–1— 85 MHz @ 250 mV p–p, VDD = 2.5 V Three or Four Pins Used for Serial MCU Interface Built–In MCU Clock Output with Frequency of Reference Oscillator 3/ 4 Power Saving Mode Controlled by MCU Lock Detect Signal On–Chip Reference Oscillator Supports External Crystals to 16.0 MHz Reference Frequency Counter Division Range: 16 to 4095 Auxiliary Reference Frequency Counter Division Range: 16 to 16,383 Transmit Counter Division Range: 16 to 65,535 Receive Counter Division Range: 16 to 65,535
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