MC145149DW ,Dual PLL Frequency Synthesizer**Order this documentby MC145149/DSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA * ** **Interfaces with Dual–Modulus ..
MC145149DW ,Dual PLL Frequency SynthesizerMAXIMUM RATINGS* (Voltages Referenced to V )SSThis device contains circuitry to protectSymbol Ratin ..
MC145149P ,Dual PLL Frequency SynthesizerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to V )SS– 40°C 25°C 85°CV VDD DDSymbol Sbl Ch Chara ..
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Dual PLL Frequency Synthesizer
Interfaces with Dual–Modulus PrescalersThe MC145149 contains two PLL Frequency Synthesizers which share a
common serial data port and common reference oscillator. The device
contains two 14–stage R counters, two 10–stage N counters, and two
7–stage A counters. All six counters are fully programmable through a serial
port. The divide ratios are latched into the appropriate counter latch
according to the last data bits (control bits) entered.
When combined with external low–pass filters and voltage controlled
oscillators (VCOs), the MC145149 can provide all the remaining functions
for two PLL frequency synthesizers operating up to the device’s frequency
limit. For higher VCO frequency operation, a down mixer or dual–modulus
prescaler can be used between the VCO and the synthesizer IC. Low Power Consumption Through Use of CMOS Technology Wide Operating Voltage Range: 3 to 9 V Operating Temperature Range: – 40 to + 85°C
•÷ R Range = 3 to 16,383
•÷ N Range = 3 to 1023
•÷ A Range = 0 to 127 Two “Linearized” Three–State Digital Phase Detectors with No Dead Zone Two Lock Detect Signals (LD1 and LD2) Two Open–Drain Port Expander Outputs (SW1 and SW2) Compatible with the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) on CMOS MCUs
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