MC145145P-2 ,4-Bit Data Bus Input PLL F requency Synthesizer**Order this documentby MC145145–2/DSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA * ** ** !** *P SUFFIXPLASTIC DI ..
MC145146DW2 ,4 BIT DATA BUS INPUT BUS INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZERfeatures consist of a reference oscillator, 12–bit program-mable reference divider, digital phase d ..
MC145146P2 ,4 BIT DATA BUS INPUT BUS INPUT PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZERfeatures consist of a reference oscillator, 12–bit program-mable reference divider, digital phase d ..
MC145149DW ,Dual PLL Frequency Synthesizer**Order this documentby MC145149/DSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA * ** **Interfaces with Dual–Modulus ..
MC145149DW ,Dual PLL Frequency SynthesizerMAXIMUM RATINGS* (Voltages Referenced to V )SSThis device contains circuitry to protectSymbol Ratin ..
MC145149P ,Dual PLL Frequency SynthesizerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to V )SS– 40°C 25°C 85°CV VDD DDSymbol Sbl Ch Chara ..
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4-Bit Data Bus Input PLL F requency Synthesizer
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Interfaces with Single–Modulus PrescalersThe MC145145–2 is programmed by a 4–bit input, with strobe and address
lines. The device features consist of a reference oscillator, 12–bit program-
mable reference divider, digital phase detector, 14–bit programmable divide–
by–N counter, and the necessary latch circuitry for accepting the 4–bit input
data. Operating Temperature Range: – 40 to 85°C Low Power Consumption Through the Use of CMOS Technology 3.0 to 9.0 V Supply Range Single Modulus 4–Bit Data Bus Programming
•÷N Range = 3 to 16,383, ÷R Range = 3 to 4,095 “Linearized” Digital Phase Detector Enhances Transfer Function Linearity Two Error Signal Options:
Single–Ended (Three–State)
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