MC145004FU ,128 Segment LCD Drivers**Order this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MC145003/D**Product Preview** * *CMOSThe MC145 ..
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128 Segment LCD Drivers
Product Preview -
CMOSThe MC145003/5004 are 128–segment, multiplexed–by–four LCD Drivers.
The two devices are functionally the same except for their data input proto-
cols. The MC145003 uses an SPI data input protocol which is directly com-
patible with that of the MC6805 family of microcomputers. Using a minimal
amount of software (see example), the device may be interfaced to the
MC68HCXX product families. The MC145004 has a IIC interface and has es-
sentially the same protocol, except that the device sends an acknowledge bit
back to the transmitter after each eight–bit byte is received. MC145004 also
has a “read mode”, whereby data sent to the device may be retrieved via the
IIC bus.
The MC145003/MC145004 drives the liquid–crystal displays in a multi-
plexed–by–four configuration. The device accepts data from a microproces-
sor or other serial data source to drive one segment per bit. The chip does not
have a decoder, allowing for the flexibility of formatting the segment data
Devices are independently addressable via a two–wire (or three–wire)
communication link which can be common with other MC145003/MC145004
and/or other peripheral devices. Drives 128 Segments Per Package Devices May Be Cascaded for Larger LCD Applications May Be Used with the Following LCDs: Segmented Alphanumeric,
Bar Graph, Dot Matrix, Custom Quiscent Supply Current: 85 μA @ 2.8 V VDD Operating Voltage Range: 2.8 to 5.5 V Operating Temperature Range: –40 to 85°C Separate Access to LCD Drive Section’s Supply Voltage to Allow for
Temperature Compensation See Application Notes AN1066 and AN442
This document contains information on a new product under development. Motorola reserves the right to change or discontinue this product without notice.
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