MC14490FEL ,Hex Bounce EliminatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to V )SS– 55C 25C 125CÎÎV VDD DD(4.)Vdc Min Max ..
MC14490FELG , Hex Contact Bounce Eliminator
MC14490FG , Hex Contact Bounce Eliminator
MC14490FR1 ,Hex Contact Bounce EliminatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to V )SS– 55* C 25* C 125* CÎÎVDD DD(4.)VdcCharacte ..
MC14490L ,Hex Contact Bounce EliminatorMAXIMUM RATINGS* (Voltages Referenced to V )SSPIN ASSIGNMENTÎÎÎÎÎSymbol Parameter Value UnitÎÎV DC ..
MC14490P ,Hex Bounce EliminatorMAXIMUM RATINGS* (Voltages Referenced to V )SSPIN ASSIGNMENTÎÎÎÎÎSymbol Parameter Value UnitÎÎV DC ..
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Hex Bounce Eliminator
Hex Contact Bounce
The MC14490 is constructed with complementary MOS
enhancement mode devices, and is used for the elimination of
extraneous level changes that result when interfacing with mechanical
contacts. The digital contact bounce eliminator circuit takes an input
signal from a bouncing contact and generates a clean digital signal
four clock periods after the input has stabilized. The bounce eliminator
circuit will remove bounce on both the “make” and the “break” of a
contact closure. The clock for operation of the MC14490 is derived
from an internal R–C oscillator which requires only an external
capacitor to adjust for the desired operating frequency (bounce delay).
The clock may also be driven from an external clock source or the
oscillator of another MC14490 (see Figure 5).
NOTE: Immediately after power–up, the outputs of the MC14490
are in indeterminate states. Diode Protection on All Inputs Six Debouncers Per Package Internal Pullups on All Data Inputs Can Be Used as a Digital Integrator, System Synchronizer, or Delay
Line Internal Oscillator (R–C), or External Clock Source TTL Compatible Data Inputs/Outputs Single Line Input, Debounces Both “Make” and “Break” Contacts Does Not Require “Form C” (Single Pole Double Throw) Input
Signal Cascadable for Longer Time Delays Schmitt Trigger on Clock Input (Pin 7) Supply Voltage Range = 3.0 V to 18 V Chip Complexity: 546 FETs or 136.5 Equivalent Gates
MAXIMUM RATINGS (Voltages Referenced to VSS) (Note 2.) Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device
may occur.