MC13175D ,UHF FM/AM TRANSMITTERMAXIMUM RATINGS ( T = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.)ARating Symbol Value UnitPower Supply Voltage V ..
MC13176D ,UHF FM/AM TRANSMITTEROrder this document by MC13175/D** ** **The MC13175 and MC13176 are one chip FM/AM transmittersubsy ..
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Order this document by MC13175/D -
The MC13175 and MC13176 are one chip FM/AM transmitter
subsystems designed for AM/FM communication systems. They include a
Colpitts crystal reference oscillator, UHF oscillator, ÷ 8 (MC13175) or ÷ 32
(MC13176) prescaler and phase detector forming a versatile PLL system.
Targeted applications are in the 260 to 470 MHz band and 902 to 928 MHz
band covered by FCC Title 47; Part 15. Other applications include local
oscillator sources in UHF and 900 MHz receivers, UHF and 900 MHz video
transmitters, RF Local Area Networks (LANs), and high frequency clock
drivers. The MC13175/76 offer the following features: UHF Current Controlled Oscillator Uses Easily Available 3rd Overtone or Fundamental Crystals for
Reference Fewer External Parts Required Low Operating Supply Voltage (1.8 to 5.0 Vdc) Low Supply Drain Currents Power Output Adjustable (Up to +10 dBm) Differential Output for Loop Antenna or Balun Transformer Networks Power Down Feature ASK Modulated by Switching Output On and Off (MC13175) fo = 8 x fref; (MC13176) fo = 32 x fref