MC10H141L ,Four-Bit Universal Shift RegisterELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = –5.2 V ±5%)* Outputs as exist after pulse appears at “C” input with ..
MC10H141P ,4-Bit Universal Shift RegisterPrepared byCleon PettyAPPLICATION NOTETodd PearsonECL Applications EngineeringThis application note ..
MC10H145FNR2 ,16 x 4 Bit Register File (RAM)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = –5.2 V ±5%) (See Note)EEX XDisabled H L0° 25° 75°Ch Characteristic ..
MC10H145L ,16 x 4 Bit Register File (RAM)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = –5.2 V ±5%) (See Note)EEX XDisabled H L0° 25° 75°Ch Characteristic ..
MC10H145P ,16 x 4 Bit Register File(RAM)MAXIMUM RATINGSCASE 775–02Characteristic Symbol Rating UnitPower Supply (V = 0) V –8.0 to 0 VdcCC E ..
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Four-Bit Universal Shift Register
The MC10H141 is a four–bit universal shift register. This device is a
functional/pinout duplication of the standard MECL 10K part with 100%
improvement in propagation delay and operation frequency and no increase in
power supply current. Shift frequency, 250 MHz Min Power Dissipation, 425 mW Typical Improved Noise Margin 150 mV (over operating voltage and
temperature range) Voltage Compensated MECL 10K–Compatible
NOTE:Each MECL 10H series circuit has been designed to meet the dc specifications shown in the test table,
after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit
board and transverse air flow greater than 500 Iinear fpm is maintained. Outputs are terminated through
TRUTH TABLE Outputs as exist after pulse appears at “C” input with
input conditions as shown (Pulse Positive transition of
clock input).
Pin assignment is for Dual–in–Line Package.
For PLCC pin assignment, see the Pin Conversion
Tables on page 6–11 of the Motorola MECL Data
Book (DL122/D).