MC10EP01DR2 ,3.3V / 5V ECL 4-Input OR/NOR3MC10EP01, MC100EP01Table 5. 10EP DC CHARACTERISTICS, PECL V = 3.3 V, V = 0 V (Note 2)CC EE−40°C 25 ..
MC10EP01DR2 ,3.3V / 5V ECL 4-Input OR/NOR
MC10EP01DT ,3.3V / 5V ECL 4-Input OR/NOR** * ** ** * **The High Speed Solution for theCMOS/TTL Designer
MC10EP01DTR2 ,3.3V / 5V ECL 4-Input OR/NOR
MC10EP05D ,3.3V / 5V 2-Input Differential AND/NANDthe EP05 is ideal for applications requiring the fastestAC performance available.The 100 Series con ..
MC10EP05DR2 ,3.3V / 5V 2-Input Differential AND/NANDAPPLICATION NOTEObjective Schematic InformationThe objective of this kit is to provide customers wi ..
MC34063ADRG , DC-TO-DC Converter Control Circuits
MC34063ADRJR ,1.5-A PEAK BOOST/BUCK/INVERTING SWITCHING REGULATORSFeatures 3 DescriptionThe MC33063A and MC34063A devices are easy-to-1• Wide Input Voltage Range: 3 ..
MC34063AM ,DC-to-DC Converter Control Circuits3MC34063A, MC33063A1000500 V = 5.0 VCCPin 7 = VCC200Pin 5 = GndT = 25 °C100A50 ton20105.0V = 5.0 V ..
MC34063AMEL ,DC-to-DC Converter Control CircuitsThermal CharacteristicsPlastic Package, P, P1 SuffixT = 25°C P 1.25 WA DThermal Resistance R 100 °C ..
MC34063AML1 ,DC-to-DC Converter Control CircuitsMC34063A, MC33063ADC-to-DC Converter Control CircuitsThe MC34063A Series is a monolithic control ci ..
3.3V / 5V ECL 4-Input OR/NOR
MC10EP01, MC100EP01
3.3V / 5V�ECL 4-Input
The MC10EP01 is a 4−input OR/NOR gate. The device is
functionally equivalent to the EL01 device, LVEL01, and E101 (a
quad version). With AC performance much faster than the LVEL01
device, the EP01 is ideal for applications requiring the fastest AC
performance available.
The 100 Series contains temperature compensation. 230 ps Typical Propagation Delay Maximum Frequency > 3 GHz Typical PECL Mode Operating Range:
VCC = 3.0 V to 5.5 V with VEE = 0 V NECL Mode Operating Range:
VCC = 0 V with VEE = −3.0 V to −5.5 V Open Input Default State Pb−Free Package is Available