MC100E337FN ,3-BIT SCANNABLE REGISTERED BUS TRANSCEIVER**SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA** **The MC10E/100E337 is a 3-bit registered bus transceiver with s ..
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MC33025P ,HI-SPD PWM ControllerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 15 V, R = 3.65 kΩ, C = 1.0 nF, for typical values T = +25°C, for m ..
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MC33025P. ,HI-SPD PWM ControllerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 15 V, R = 3.65 k, C = 1.0 nF, for typical values T = +25°C, for mi ..
The MC10E/100E337 is a 3-bit registered bus transceiver with scan.
The bus outputs (BUS0–BUS2) are specified for driving a 25Ω bus; the
receive outputs (Q0– Q2) are specified for 50Ω. The bus outputs feature
a normal HIGH level (VOH) and a cutoff LOW level — when LOW, the
outputs go to – 2.0V and the output emitter-follower is “off”, presenting a
high impedance to the bus. The bus outputs also feature edge slow-down
capacitors. Scannable Version of E336 25Ω Cutoff Bus Outputs 50Ω Receiver Outputs Scannable Registers Sync. and Async. Bus Enables Non-inverting Data Path 1500ps Max. Clock to Bus (Data Transmit) 1000ps Max. Clock to Q (Data Receive) Bus Outputs Feature Internal Edge Slow-Down Capacitors Additional Package Ground Pins Extended 100E VEE Range of – 4.2V to – 5.46V 75kΩ Input Pulldown Resistors
Both drive and receive sides feature the same logic, including a loopback path to hold data. The HOLD/LOAD function is
controlled by Transmit Enable (TEN) and Receive Enable (REN) on the transmit and receive sides respectively, with a HIGH
selecting LOAD. Note that the implementation of the E337 Receive Enable differs from that of the E336.
A synchronous bus enable (SBUSEN) is provided for normal, non-scan operation. The asynchronous bus disable (ABUSDIS)
disables the bus immediately for scan mode.
The SYNCEN input is provided for flexibility when re-enabling the bus after disabling with ABUSDIS, allowing either
synchronous or asynchronous re-enabling. An alternative use is asynchronous-only operation with ABUSDIS, in which case
SYNCEN is tied LOW, or left open. SYNCEN is implemented as an overriding SET control (active-LOW) to the enable flip-flop.
Scan mode is selected by a HIGH at the SCAN input. Scan input data is shifted in through S_IN and output data appears at the
Q2 output.
All registers are clocked on the positive transition of CLK. Additional lead-frame grounding is provided through the Ground pins
(GND) which should be connected to 0V. The GND pins are not electrically connected to the chip.