MC100E196FN ,5V ECL Programmable Delay ChipAN1672/DThe ECL Translator GuidePECL • LVPECL • NECL • TTL •LVTTL/LVCMOS • CMOS
MC100E196FN ,5V ECL Programmable Delay Chip
MC100E210FN ,LOW VOLTAGE DUAL 1:4, 1:5 DIFFERENTIAL FANOUT BUFFERsystem skew. The dual buffer allows for the fanout of two signals througha single chip, thus reduci ..
MC100E210FN ,LOW VOLTAGE DUAL 1:4, 1:5 DIFFERENTIAL FANOUT BUFFER**SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA* % *# * *$** * *" **# $# *$"** * *!*#*The MC100LVE210 is a low vol ..
MC100E241FN ,5V ECL 8-Bit Scannable RegisterHOLD/LOAD control. This enables the normal operations of HOLDand LOAD to be toggled with a single c ..
MC33023DW ,High Speed Single-Ended PWM ControllerThermal CharacteristicsSO–16L Package (Case 751G)Maximum Power Dissipation @ T = +25°C P 862 mWA DT ..
MC33023DWR2 ,HI-SPD PWM Controllerfeatures consisting of input andP SUFFIXAWLYYWWCASE 648reference undervoltage lockouts each with hy ..
MC33025DW ,High Speed Double-Ended PWM ControllerOrder this document by MC34025/D ** *The MC34025 series are high speed, fixed frequency, double–e ..
MC33025P ,HI-SPD PWM ControllerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 15 V, R = 3.65 kΩ, C = 1.0 nF, for typical values T = +25°C, for m ..
MC33025P ,HI-SPD PWM Controllerfeatures consisting of input and referenceundervoltage lockouts each with hysteresis, cycle–by–cycl ..
MC33025P ,HI-SPD PWM ControllerMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value UnitPower Supply Voltage V 30 VCCOutput Driver Supply Voltage V ..
5V ECL Programmable Delay Chip