MC100E157FN ,Quad 2:1 multiplexerhttp://onsemi.com3MC10E157, MC100E15710E SERIES PECL DC CHARACTERISTICS V = 5.0 V; V = 0.0 V (Note ..
MC100E158FN ,5V ECL 5-Bit 2:1 Multiplexer2AN1406/Dreduced while maintaining acceptable manufacturing design. After all the inclusion of ECL ..
MC100E160FN ,5V ECL 12-Bit Parity Generator/Checker2AN1672/DSection 1: Translation Between Differently Supplied ECL Drivers and ReceiversTable 3. Tran ..
MC100E163FN ,5V ECL 2-Bit 8:1 Multiplexer
MC100E163FN ,5V ECL 2-Bit 8:1 Multiplexer3AN1672/DSection 2: Translation from Different ECL Operating Mode Drivers to Non ECL ReceiversThe f ..
MC100E163FN ,5V ECL 2-Bit 8:1 Multiplexer
MC33023DW ,High Speed Single-Ended PWM ControllerThermal CharacteristicsSO–16L Package (Case 751G)Maximum Power Dissipation @ T = +25°C P 862 mWA DT ..
MC33023DWR2 ,HI-SPD PWM Controllerfeatures consisting of input andP SUFFIXAWLYYWWCASE 648reference undervoltage lockouts each with hy ..
MC33025DW ,High Speed Double-Ended PWM ControllerOrder this document by MC34025/D ** *The MC34025 series are high speed, fixed frequency, double–e ..
MC33025P ,HI-SPD PWM ControllerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 15 V, R = 3.65 kΩ, C = 1.0 nF, for typical values T = +25°C, for m ..
MC33025P ,HI-SPD PWM Controllerfeatures consisting of input and referenceundervoltage lockouts each with hysteresis, cycle–by–cycl ..
MC33025P ,HI-SPD PWM ControllerMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value UnitPower Supply Voltage V 30 VCCOutput Driver Supply Voltage V ..
5V ECL Quad 2:1 Multiplexer
MC10E157, MC100E157
5 V�ECL Quad 2:1
The MC10E/100E157 contains four 2:1 multiplexers with
differential outputs. The output data are controlled by the individual
Select (SEL) inputs. The individual select control makes the devices
well suited for random logic designs.
The 100 Series contains temperature compensation. Individual Select Controls 550 ps Max. D to Output 800 ps Max. SEL to Output PECL Mode Operating Range: VCC = 4.2 V to 5.7 V
with VEE = 0 V NECL Mode Operating Range: VCC= 0 V
with VEE = −4.2 V to −5.7 V Internal Input 50 K� Pulldown Resistors Meets or Exceeds JEDEC Spec EIA/JESD78 IC Latchup Test ESD Protection: Human Body Model; > 1 KV,
Machine Model; > 75 V Moisture Sensitivity Level 1
For Additional Information, see Application Note AND8003/D Flammability Rating: UL 94 V−0 @ 0.125 in,
Oxygen Index: 28 to 34 Transistor Count = 137 devices
DIAGRAMS = Assembly Location = Wafer Lot = Year = Work Week
CASE 776http://
†For information on tape and reel specifications,
including part orientation and tape sizes, please
refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications
Brochure, BRD8011/D.