MBRS320 ,Schottky RectifierMBRS320MBRS320
MBRS3201T3G , 200V, 3A Schottky Fast Soft−Recovery Power Rectifier SMC Power Surface Mount Package
MBRS320T3 ,Schottky RectifierMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol MBRS320T3 MBRS330T3 MBRS340T3 MBRS360T3 UnitPeak Repetitive Reverse Vo ..
MBRS320TR ,20V 3A Schottky Discrete Diode in a SMC packageapplications are in disk drives,I Rectangular 3.0 AF(AV)switching power supplies, converters, free- ..
MBRS320TRPBF , Schottky Rectifier, 3.0 A
MBRS320TRPBF , Schottky Rectifier, 3.0 A
MC-222243AF9-B85X-BT3 ,MCP(32M-bit flash memory + 4M-bit Low Power SRAM)Features• Two bank organization enabling simultaneous execution of erase / program and read• Bank o ..
MC-222263F9-B85X-BT3 ,MCP(32M-bit flash memory + 8M-bit Low Power SRAM)Features• Two bank organization enabling simultaneous execution of erase / program and read• Bank o ..
MC-222263F9-B85X-BT3 ,MCP(32M-bit flash memory + 8M-bit Low Power SRAM)Features• Memory organization : 1,048,576 words × 8 bits (BYTE mode)524,288 words × 16 bits (WORD m ..
MC-222264F9-B85X-BT3 ,MCP(32M-bit flash memory + 8M-bit Low Power SRAM)Features• Two bank organization enabling simultaneous execution of erase / program and read• Bank o ..
Schottky Rectifier
MBRS320 MBRS320 Features • Compact surface mount with J-bend leads (SMC) • 3.0 Watt Power Dissipation package • 3.0 Ampere, forward voltage less than 500 mV SMC (D0-214AB) Color Band Denotes Cathode Mark: B32 Schottky Rectifier Absolute Maximum Ratings* T = 25°C unless otherwise noted A Symbol Parameter Value Units V Maximum Repetitive Reverse Voltage 20 V RRM I 3.0 A Average Rectified Forward Current @ T = 100°C F(AV) L 4.0 A T = 90°C L I Non-repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current 80 A FSM (Half wave, single phase, 60 Hz) T Storage Temperature Range -65 to +150 C stg ° T Operating Junction Temperature -65 to +125 °C j *These ratings are limiting values above which the serviceability of any semiconductor device may be impaired. Thermal Characteristics Symbol Parameter Value Units Thermal Resistance, Junction to Lead 11 R °C/W θJL Electrical Characteristics T = 25°C unless otherwise noted A Symbol Parameter Value Units V Forward Voltage @ I = 3.0A, 500 mV F F I Reverse Current @ V = 20 V, 2.0 mA R R 20 mA V = 20 V, T = 100 °C R A 2001 MBRS320, Rev. B