MBRM120L ,Surface Mount Schottky Power Rectifier
MBRM120LT3 ,Surface Mount Schottky Power RectifierThe Schottky POWERMITE employs the Schottky Barrierprinciple with a barrier metal and epitaxial con ..
MBRM120LT3G , Surface Mount Schottky Power Rectifier
MBRM130L ,Surface Mount Schottky Power RectifierFeatures:• Low Profile - Maximum Height of 1.1 mm POWERMITECASE 457• Small Footprint - Footprint Ar ..
MBRM130LT1 ,Surface Mount Schottky Power RectifierThe Schottky Powermite employs the Schottky Barrier principlewith a barrier metal and epitaxial con ..
MC1650L ,Dual A/D ConverterLOGIC DIAGRAMV 61A +DQ 2 Q0–V 52APIN ASSIGNMENTC 4Q 3 Q0AGND 1 16 GNDV 12+1B Q 2 15 Q0 1Q 14 Q1D–V ..
MC1651L ,Dual A/D converterELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTest Limits–30°C +25°C +85°CCharacteristic Symbol UnitMin Max Min Max Min ..
MC1658 ,Voltage Controlled Multivibrator**SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA * **The MC1658 is a voltage–controlled multivibrator which providesV ..
MC1658L ,Voltage Controlled MultivibratorLOGIC DIAGRAMCX1 11 CX2 14D SUFFIXPLASTIC SOIC PACKAGECASE 751B–05V 2CX6QBias FilterQ 4FN SUFFIXInp ..
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Surface Mount Schottky Power Rectifier
Efficiency Improvements
Using 10 Volt
Schottky Diodes
Prepared by: Jim Spangler, Larry Hayes, Ron PerinaON Semiconductor
ABSTRACTThis application note describes the advantages realized by
using 10 volt Schottky diodes in a variety of applications.
The major advantage of using a lower voltage Schottky is the
reduced forward voltage drop. This lower drop results in a
significant increase in efficiency. In addition, one can affect
a substantial cost advantage of using a single Schottky diode
as opposed to the use of a power FET as a synchronous
Lower Forward Voltage DropFigure 1 shows the relative improvement in forward
voltage drop, Vf, which is made possible by the new 10 volt
Schottky technology. The comparison is made to industry
typical Schottky diodes using traditional low voltage
It is clear that such a significant improvement can have
major impact on the efficiency of many circuit applications.
The typical forward voltage drop of various low voltage
Schottky diodes is shown in Table 1. The data is taken from
the data sheet of each device [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] at 25°C.A
comparison can be made between a 10 volt device and a 20
or 30 volt device. Three surface mount packages are shown,
POWERMITE�, SMA, and SMC. The forward voltage
drop is presented at five test currents in order to make
comparisons. Notice the lower forward voltage drop of a 10 volt
device compared to a 20 or 30 volt device. Also notice that in order to obtain a smaller
forward voltage drop, a higher current device can
be chosen. For example, the 4 Amp device,
MBRS410LT3 has a smaller forward voltage drop
than the 1 Amp or 2 Amp devices.
All Schottky diodes have a negative temperature
coefficient of approximately 1 mV/°C. The forward voltage
drop can be as much as 0.100 volts lower at 125°C when
compared to the voltage drop at 25°C.
Figure 1. VF Comparison