MBRD660CT ,60V 6A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a D-Pak packageFeatures• Pb−Free Packages are Available1• Extremely Fast Switching4• Extremely Low Forward Drop3• ..
MBRD660CT ,60V 6A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a D-Pak package
MBRD660CT ,60V 6A Schottky Common Cathode Diode in a D-Pak packageapplications are in disk drives, switching powerF(AV)waveform supplies, converters, free-wheeling d ..
MBRD660CTG , SWITCHMODE Power Rectifiers
MBRD660CTRLG , SWITCHMODE Power Rectifiers
MBRD660CTT4 ,6A 60V Schottky Rectifier3MBRD620CT, MBRD630CT, MBRD640CT, MBRD650CT, MBRD660CTTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS100 100T = 150°CJ70101 ..
MC14LC5447 ,CALLING LINE ID RECEIVER WITH RING DETECTORMAXIMUM RATINGS(Voltages referenced to GND, except where noted)This device contains circuitry to pr ..
MC14LC5447DW ,Calling Line Identification(CLID) Receiver with Ring DetectorMAXIMUM RATINGS(Voltages referenced to GND, except where noted)This device contains circuitry to pr ..
MC14LC5447P ,Calling Line Identification(CLID) Receiver with Ring Detectorfeatures.• Ring Detector On–Chip• Ring Detect Output for MCU Interrupt• Power–Down Mode, Less than ..
MC14LC5447P ,Calling Line Identification(CLID) Receiver with Ring Detector**Order this documentby MC14LC5447/DSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA*Product Preview* * ** P SUFFIXPLAS ..
MC14LC5472FE ,U-interface transceiverMAXIMUM RATINGS*Symbol Parameter Value Condition UnitV DC Supply Voltage –0.5 to +7.0 VCCV DC Input ..
MC14LC5472FU ,U-interface transceiverLOGIC DIAGRAM1 24OE1 OE2OE1 1 48 LE148 25O0 2 47 D0LE1 LE2O1 3 46 D1 2 13nLE nLEO0 O847 Q 36 QGND 4 ..
SWITCHMODE⑩ Power Rectifirers DPAK Surface Mount Package